how many of them are there, ma'am? ready? then let's do it. he-man couldn't make it today. that's why we're here. well, a lot of people have trouble believing in the paranormal. i'm watching you. song. come on, winston. we can't quit now. the holidays are coming up. it's our best season. ungrateful little yuppie larvae. after all we did for this city. yeah, but what a ride. you can't make a hamburger without chopping up a cow. ray's occult. yeah . mmhmm . what do you need? . what have i got? i've got alchemy, astrology, apparitions, bundu magic men, demon intercession, u.f.o. abductions, psychic surgery, stigmata, modern miracles, pixie sightings, golden geese, geists, ghosts, i've got it all -- what are you looking for? . don't have any. try the stockyards. some crank. looking for goat hooves. come up with anything? you might want to check those duke university mean averaging studies on controlled psychokinesis. oh, hiya, pete. i knew that voice sounded familiar. what's up? how's it going? uh, i can't. i'm kind of working on something. oh, your book came in, venkman. magical paths to fortune and power. oh, just checking something for an old friend. who? just -- someone we know. aaah! nobody! i can't tell you! dana! dana barrett! no problem. always glad to help -- and hug. it's an interesting one, pete. if anything was going on it's totally subdued now. is this the spot? nothing. not a trace. egon and i have been working on a gauge to measure psychomagnetheric energy in gevs - giga electron volts. i think we hit the honeypot, boys. there's something brewing under the street. hey, hey, hey, stresshound! are you nuts? if anybody found out about this we'd be in serious trouble. the judge couldn't have been clearer - no ghostbusting. nyprr. what the hell -- ? help me lift this. wow! it's an old airshaft. it just goes forever. thanks, boys. keep going -- more -- more -- lower -- lower -- gee, this really is deep. hold it! steady! he pans the walls with his flashlight, admiring the excellent tilework, and speaks quietly to venkman and spengler over his walkie-talkie. this is it, boys, the end of the line. van horne station. the old new york pneumatic. it's still here. this is about as deep as you can go under manhattan without digging your own hole. off the top of the scale. this place is really hot. lower me to the floor. hold it!! stop!! whoa!! oh, my god! it's a seething, bubbling, psychic cess! interlocked tubes of plasm, crackling with negative gevs! it's glowing and moving! it's -- it's a river of slime!! he dangles from the end of the cable, holding his feet up as high as he can. he unhooks a device from his utility belt and pulls the trigger on it, shooting out a long telescoping fishing-pole with a scoop on the end. reaching down, he scoops up a sample of the slime and starts retracting the pole. haul me up, venkman! now! help! help! pull me up! it's alive! it's eating my boots. get me out of here!! sorry. seems like a pretty open-minded guy, huh? that's all right. we got arrested at night. hey, i didn't imagine it. there must have been ten thousand gallons of it down there. he sees the activity in the jar uh-oh, she's twitchin'. under the table, boys! let's go to work, boys. okay, let's heat 'em up! all right, throwers. set for full neutronas on stream. on my signal, boys. open 'em up -- now! watch it! i'm coming under you, pete. steady -- watch your streams -- easy now -- venky, bring him left -- spengy, pull him down -- trapping -- trapping -- now! i'm ray -- and we're the . that's right -- ghostbusters. we're back and we're better than ever with twice the know-how and twice the particle-power to deal with all your supernatural elimination needs. careful, winston. he's a mean one. i guess so, pete, because that's not all. tell them what else we've got, egon. you bet. he's sitting on a bench opposite venkman's, casually watching the jogging track. if he wasn't dead he'd be an olympic prospect. merry christmas! so will that be cash or a check? oh good, you're here. spengler and i have something really amazing to show you. we've been studying the stuff that we took from the subway tunnel. no, i'm just restoring it to its normal state. now watch this. you worthless piece of slime!! you ignorant disgusting blob!! you foul, obnoxious muck!! he continues venting his rage on the slime. i've seen some real crud in my time, but you're a chemical disgrace!! this is an incredible breakthrough, venkman. a psychoreactive substance! whatever this is, it clearly responds to human emotional states. like a goat on garbage. we're running tests to see if we can get an equally strong positive reaction. well, we sing to it, we talk to it, we say supportive, nurturing things -- it really responds to music. let's calm it down. it likes all the sappy stuff: 'cumbaya,' 'everything is beautiful,' 'it's a small world' -- but it loves jackie wilson. watch this. nothing. just some mood-slime residue in and around the bathtub. but we did turn up some interesting stuff on this vigo character you mentioned. i found the name vigo the carpathian in leon zundinger's magicians, martyrs and madmen. listen to this: and he didn't die of old age either. he was poisoned, stabbed, shot, hung, stretched, disemboweled, drawn and quartered. this guy was a bad monkey. he dabbled in all the black arts, and listen to this prophecy. just before his head died, his last words were, "death is but a door, time is but a window. i'll be back." mister, you have an ecto-paritic, subfusionary flux in this building. now if you don't want to be the -- -- fifth person ever to die in meta-shock from a planar rift, i suggest you get down behind that desk and don't move until we give you the signal "stabilize -- all clear." let's sweep it, boys. using the giga-meter, he traces a strong psychomagnetheric reading to the painting of vigo in the alcove at the end of the studio. venkman comes up behind him with janosz right on his heels. i'll get one more reading. he stands there transfixed, unable to look away, as a strange and subtle transformation occurs within him. winston comes up behind him and breaks the spell. huh? what? what? yeah. no, i'm fine. i just got light-headed for a second there. let's go. idiot! move it, you jerk! are you telling me how to drive? well don't think! no, i'm going to kill everybody! what happened? yeah, i guess so. it was the strangest thing. i knew what i was doing but i couldn't stop. this really terrible feeling came over me and -- i don't know -- i just felt like driving into that tree and ending it all. whew! sorry, boys. we're going down into the sewer system to see if we can trace the source of the psycho-reactive slime flow. we thought you might want to come along. wow. okay, but you're missing all the fun. this is it. van horne station. right where the old transit map said it would be. let's get a sounding on the depth of that flow. stand back. that's it. it's on the bottom. let's get out of here, boys. look, zeddemore, it wasn't my fault you were too stupid to drop that line. oh yeah? anytime, anytime. just go ahead and try it. butt out, you pencil-necked geek. i've had it with you. don't you see? it's the slime. that stuff is like pure, concentrated evil. that's all right, i see him. you should've been there, venkman. absolutely incredible! it's all over the city, pete -- well, under it actually. sorry! uh -- well -- we had a little accident, but forget that. we have to see the mayor as soon as possible. we're not going anywhere with you. i told you we have to see the mayor now. you get enough negative energy flowing in a dense environment like manhattan, it starts to build up, and if we don't do something fast this whole place will blow like a frog on a hotplate. we think the spirit of vigo the carpathian is alive in a painting at the manhattan museum. this is it. boys. it's starting. shit-storm good work, louis. how did you get us out? it looks like a giant jello mold. okay, give it a rest, captain. we'll take it from here. throw 'em! forget it. the vienna boys choir couldn't get through this stuff. i can't believe things have gotten so bad in this city that there's no way back. sure, it's crowded, it's dirty, it's noisy. and there are too many people who'd just as soon step on your face as look at you. but there've got to be a few sparks of sweet humanity left in this burned-out burg. we just have to mobilize it. something that appeals to the best in each and every one of us -- mr. mayor, if we don't do something by midnight, you're going to go down in history as the man who let new york get sucked down into the tenth level of hell. i hope we have enough stuff to do the job. okay, boys. let's frost it. he plugs the main cable lead into a transformer. it's all yours, pete. there's not much time left. she's moving! i'll keep to the middle of the channel. we're okay to 59th street, then we'll go ashore and take first avenue to 79th. i don't think they make nikes in her size. my fault! vigi, vigi, vigi -- you have been a bad little monkey. do it! just do it! groovy. i've never felt better in my life. i love you guys. you're the best friends i've ever had. sir, you had a violent, prolonged, transformative psychic episode. but it's over now. want a coffee? no, you're right on time. this is a bill for tonight's job. yeah, and a lot easier to get to than that island. my great-grandparents were swiss. i still have the pictures they took of the statue from the boat when they arrived. what's your story, pete?