how big are they? we'll do our best, ma'am. i'm ready. how you doin', kids? that's it, ray. i've had it. no more parties. i'm tired of taking abuse from over-privileged nine-year-olds. give it up, ray. you're living in the past. ghostbusters doesn't exist anymore. in a year these kids won't even remember who we are. yeah, what did we do, ray? the last real job we had we bubbled up a hundred foot marshmallow man and blew the top three floors off an uptown highrise. you mean this stuff actually feeds on 'bad vibes'? does it have any favorites? right, and the first time someone gets mad, their toaster will eat their hand. i guess he wasn't too popular at the end there. you got a flux and a half. now that's one ugly dude. you finished here? are you all right? you coming down with something? i'd put my money on that vigo character. going a little fast, aren't we, ray? no, i just thought -- are you crazy, man? you're going to kill somebody! are you all right? is the line sinking? nice going, ray! what were you trying to do -- drown me? you better watch your mouth, man, or i'll punch your lights out. what are we doing? ray, i was ready to kill you. rivers of the stuff! tell him about the toaster. i'm telling you, we're not crazy. he is! it's potent stuff. we made a toaster dance with it, then a bathtub tried to eat his friend's baby. you think all those predictions about the world coming to an end in the 1990s are true? and decent. wonder what? i've lived in new york all my life and i never visited the statue of liberty. now i finally get here and we're taking her out for a walk. how deep does it get? that water's cold and i can't swim. say goodnight now. ray -- ray -- how do you feel, man? it's where you want to be. there's something very familiar about this painting. my people weren't taking any pictures from those slave ships, man. and there wasn't any statue in charleston harbor to welcome them, either. what are you, dana?