be with you in . . one minute, fifty-three seconds. in a minute, ray. i think i've finally perfected it. watch this, guys. guys? interesting. that's the second biggest egg i've ever seen. thanks for the help, slimer, but i don't have time to examine this egg tonight. i have to prepare for my weather balloon demonstration tomorrow morning. but it'll be safe in here. goodnight, slimer. ow! what? ray, what is going on? and why am i naked? bad news first. a werechicken? i remember the bite clearly. how long will i stay like this? i don't feel well. don't get your feathers ruffled, peter. there's a logical solution to every problem. it's a long story, janine. can you get my coat, please? i'm due at the weather board in forty-five. trust me. i'm of sound mind at least. distinguished members of the weather board, my weather balloon has the clu-cluck-clu- capability -- of entering the upper atmosphere where clu-cluck-clu cloud formations occur. there, it can electronically alter weather cut-cut-cut-con-ditions to produce sun, rain, or. . snow. i, er, can explain this, but -- what? yes, but you'll have to work the controls. okay, peter, the balloon's in position. turn the lever to the extreme left. you bet, maude. i'm actually starting to like it.