egon, could you hold off on the weather balloon bit for a minute? it's your night to take out the trash. thanks, slimer. i really needed that! hey, even a half-baked false alarm sounds better than doing egon's chores. let's roll! why? lately even when he's with us, he's not with us. good. then he can hire a maid to do his share of the chores. ray! it's six feet tall! thank you, sir. we'll put out a missing chicken report right away. this one's easy, guys. old zeke's been watchin' too many horror movies and eating too much greasy popcorn. get serious, ray. look, if this is a werechicken egg, how come there's no pke reading? i'll take it. c'mon, slimer. werechickens. yo, balloon man, we've got some real work for you: how about analyzing this? i don't wanna hear about it, egon. we've had a long night in a not-too-fragrant barnyard, so i'm taking a shower and hitting the sheets. slimer! how 'bout some privacy?? monster? holy cow!! what'd you do to egon, you bird-brain! hey! what's wrong with you guys? that thing ate egon! you're kidding! come to think of it, there was a certain resemblance. ray, what's this have to do with egon being a chicken? sit down, egon, we have some good news and some bad news. take it easy, egon. you're gonna be fine. hurry it up, guys! he's changing again! what happened? well, we hafta do something! let's stop that thing before it makes drumsticks out of anyone else! un, no offense, egon. all quiet on the chicken front. how about down there? it's how big? okay, ray, i admit you were right about these werechickens,. but i definitely don't buy them growing to the size of buildings. ray, you were right! the chicken's here, and he's a walking high-rise! it's heading down 34th toward the empire state building. take over, slimer! so how're we gonna, put that big bird on ice, guys' egon, can we freeze that big chicken with your weather balloons piece of cake. lemme guess -- more chickenbane soup! tell me, how do i get out of this chicken outfit? 33: camera pans down to: he scrambles backwards off the couch. get away!' scat! shoo! smash cut to: man, this place is creepy. it's in here -- i can feel it. the guys wheel around. a hideous spirit rises from its writhing body -- shapeless, but with monstrous glowing eyes and fangs. the spirit lets out a roar more frightening than the werechicken howl. slimer comes shooting out through shower nozzle, hugs peter tightly around the neck and scaring the hell out of him. egon? well, slimer, i don't see anything here that looks like a monster. come on, ray!! minutes. whose job was it?