and winston's in the kitchen doing your dishes. egon! the phone! it sure feels strange not having egon with us. is jotting info on notepad. did it have any distinguishing marks? no, peter, i think we're dealing with a bonafide werechicken here. then explain those! what'd i tell you, peter? a werechicken egg! gimme a hand, winston! i dunno. that is strange. oh no, i'm not leavin'. the werechicken that laid this has gotta be around here someplace -- and i'm gonna find it. shh! it's in there. something's close. very close. it is a werechicken! bad choice of words, winston. trap out! we've almost got him! well, that takes care of one werechicken. now to find the six-footer that ate zeke's wife. peter! wait! peter, that is egon! the egg hatched, he was bitten and now he's a werechicken! it's the moon! tonight's the first -- -- lunar eclipse in ten years! werechickens only appear during a full moon, and for the next few minutes, the moon's not full. egon? were-aardvarks . were-bears werechickens! "the werechicken appears during the full moon. anyone it bites will turn into another werechicken." that egg peter brought in, it hatched and. according to this, there is an antidote. but we've gotta move fast -- the eclipse only lasts three minutes! "one tablespoon paprika, one clove of garlic, some parsley for color, cup of gelatin" "and one tablespoon of chickenbane." then we've gotta go with this! c'mon! quick, egon, drink this! the potion only partly worked, because of the missing chickenbane. the werechicken that bit egon. it's still out there somewhere. not a peep. let's split up. we didn't! come on! on our way, peter. check! we're almost there. let's reel him in! it's gonna blow! peter, that's not a bed idea! chicken freezes at very low temperatures! it looks like it's about to lay an -- it came from the lab!