nevermind, egon, wouldn't want you to strain yourself. ghostbusters central. calm down. where are you?. we'll be right there. ready for this one? some farmer says his wife was eaten by a giant chicken. but wouldn't it be somethin' if he sells that weather balloon idea of his? he'll be a rich man! shouldn't be hard to find. a werechicken? let's get it back to headquarters and run some tests. then maybe we'll have some answers. ray, it's gettin' pretty late. maybe there really isn't any. then let's get it! look out! man, he is ugly! hang on! that's it! ray, i just had a thought. what if that six-foot werechicken is zeke's wife? what happened? he's so quiet all of a sudden. you've been turned into a werechicken! we're too late! what was that? no pun intended. that's it! ten feet tall? how could we lose a fifteen foot-tall chicken? thirty feet tall? trap's full! somebody forgot to empty it! peter, get outa here! yeah, but how do you freeze a 50-foot chicken in august? what's it doing? i don't want to hear it. uh-oh. it's just slimer groovin' to his new james brown tape.