ready? you better, gawd the idea flash! brigitte takes a polaroid of herself with a tampon sticking out of every visible orifice. ginger slides the grass into a pre-rolled fresh casing and sticks it in her mouth. yeah, i'm okay. no! geez, i was jus', whatever. a heavy silence falls between them. brigitte keeps working. shit. brigitte scrambles down the tree and yanks ginger off the dog. ginger's face is smeared in blood. ginger's stunned, and reels dizzily. they crouch, waiting. their neighbor opens the screen door, shaking a box of dog biscuits. i'm tryin' to study, here! no, it's too gross! you'll get caught. pig. so is this it? you doin' people now? you know what i mean. just say. they are. couldn't sleep. so. rrigitte gives ginger a nervous smile. ginger smiles back. her fangs show. shut the door, ginger! i don't wanna do this any more. ginger's claw pricks brigitte's skin. brigitte cringes. blood appears around the claw. you're fucked without me. they'll catch you. wake up! i left something in my locker. what -? don't tell her i gave it to you. jus' act like it's from you. she won't take it if it's from me. an, don't like, go any wheres with her. okay? jus' come right back, 'kay? oh fuck ! ginger is squeezing her now full tail at its base, where the blood is oozing between her f. inger.s. ginger has tried - and tailed - to eul her tail off.