the fainting' s worrisome you don't diet do you dear? hm. anemia's very common at your age. eat more red meat, try an iron vitamin supplement. if it happens again, straight to a proper doctor, all righty? brigitte looks relieved. now as for 'the headache, cramps, lower back pain .i'm guessing your period is due. never? flow old are you? well judging by your troubles, i'd say you can expect to blossom any time now! brigitte pulls a face. ferry produces numerous samples of feminine hygiene products and heaps them onto ginger. are you familiar with all these? ginger shrugs. now what suits one girl might not be comfortable for another. the proper form of protection is a personal choice, and may have a lot to do with your menstrual flow, which naturally changes during the time you'll have your little miracle of nature. it could start thick and syrupy, move to a straight-forward basic bright red bleeding and then perhaps a deep brownish to blackish slime, signaling the end of the flow. twenty-eight days later or there abouts, it'll start all over again and continue every month until menopause, in about thirty years' time. nurse ferry produces a pocket calendar with a tampon or pad advertisement for every month. here's a little calendar to keep track, count from the day it starts twenty-eight days. that'll be your next time. you have any questions, come see me again. you too sweetheart, be your turn shortly, i expect. brigitte looks horrified.