brigitte. quit dickin' around. jus' do it. brigitte reluctantly stops her thrashing and douses a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol. without looking up from her tank girl comic, ginger hauls her own shirt up to expose her navel. brigitte swabs ginger's navel with the wet cotton ball. her eyes drift to ginger's chest, then back to what she's doing. uh-huh. ouch! jus' hurry up! the needle has stopped moving half-way through the skin. i got it, i got it. ginger grits her teeth. the needle begins a slow progress. it's goin', it's goin'- gimme the ring brigitte grabs at a tiny silver ring on the bed spread but knocks it to the floor. brigitte scrambles after it. ginger yanks the needle. bee?! c'mon! brigitte finds the ring and hands it to ginger. ginger sets the ring on the end of the needle, looping it not-so-neatly through. bee? feeb. y'okay? pretty cool, unh? the flesh around the navel is hot pink and bruising. brigitte grins too. now i'll do you. brigitte bravely hangs onto to her smile. the fuck, bee. take a picture already. brigitte raises a 35mm still camera to her eye and frames her sister's corpse in the viewfinder. means there's more to life than -- well, li.fe. the fitzgeralds look expectantly at row after row of blank faces. brigitte shakes her head. gawd, people! they hurt my brain! they're retards. they're bone-heads. they're leems. no pe . a fat janitor scoops up the wad of loose leaf with great resentment and jams it into the trash. brigitte and ginger pass a necking couple practically dry- humping, girls applying make-up to one another, and boys snapping each other with their sports cups. jason and his fellow jock-pals tim, frank, and jeremy are scoping babes. ginger bends to tie her boot lace and a collective groan swells from the guys. sad. must be hard to think with yer brains slappin' around yer thighs like that all day. brigitte laughs. ginger pulls her on, past a sign: gymnasium. i feel sick. no, j. mean really. gingler opens a locker and tears off her clothes. other girls glance at her navel piercing with disgust. brigitte is very self-conscious: she steps almost inside the locker, hiding behind the door while she changes into the revolting school gym outfit. she eyes the buxom bubble heads with contempt, as y' okay's i got gas. maybe i'll try an, cut one right in her face out there. they slap hands, laughing. they look down at their gym outfits, which are so unflattering. brigitte and ginger exchange identical looks of agony. feel really sick, mz. sykes. no. i haven't got a, um, period. fifteen. our mother says we're late bloomers. so you pulled a quincy on that dog, unh? quincy, that guy with the stiffs on cable. alls i remember is you goin', "teen cult my ass". why are you looking at me like that? do i look - different? can you tell i'm going to-? wham. total adultness. how can i have a miracle of nature an, not be old enough to drive! fiurih? the fuck. ginger kicks a kiddie toy hard into a yard. brigitte doesn't have an answer to this. hey. if i start simpin' around tampon dispensers and moanin' over cramps, or even think about buying somethin' that says baby powder fresh? you'll. shoot me, right? br tg.'i"i'l of course. they exchange grins. out by sixteen fine. fine. pamela and henry exchange irritatingly patient smiles. why. we're not going to a gynecologist. dad!? she's completely paranoid! she's gonna have some fat jerk get his jollies poking his fingers up our .. you look at our underwear? fuck! can't take her 'attention'. she grosses me out. can't believe she's our mother. brigitte puts a fresh tampon up her nose and lifts a polaroid camera at arms' length from her face. did i get you out of home ec? did i get you out of ballet classes? so i'll get you out of this, right? i said i will, i will. this jay's fine. let us smoke, sister. ginger cranks the stereo and throws on a coat. she double- takes brigitte' s tampon face. what are you doing? hardee-har. har. prob'ly feel like peein' your pants. well i'm not too excited. wish i was an unsolved mystery. brigitte reflects on this heavy thought, nodding - stoned. hey. you smell somethin' gross? this is so not my day. brigitte helps her to her feet. ginger shakes what she slipped on off her shoe. it's a long, ropy intestine. she drags her shoe to get the blood and goo of it. nice. dog shit. great. lost the jay. great. why every dog but the mutt next door to us? nah. let's put ' im in there so he won't. lraumatize the kiddies. what. oh, c' mon. would stink up the whole room! they hoist the dog up and dump it in the dumpster. it's hind end sticks out. brigitte climbs into the dumpster, dragging it all the way in. dusting herself off, ginger notices some blood on her thigh. nice. ginger wipes at the blood with her hand. more appears. she lifts up the hem of her skirt. her face falls. she looks around. she slips her fingers up to her crotch. her hand comes out bloody. bee. i just got the curse. brigitte stops rooting garbage over the dog. we gotta go home. hurry upt bee?: brigitte contorts to deal with the nail. brigitte tears her hem free and jumps down. the light snaps off. let's go this way. brigitte dips a hand back into the dumpster for the plank with the nail. off ginger's look, brigitte shrugs. they start walking down the lane. the greenery behind them starts swelling again. the leaves crunch, faster. brigitte and ginger look at one another, and walk faster. the lane empties behind a deserted strip mall. all right you ass-. she's cut cold by a roaring blur of speeding fur and teeth and claws: something takes ginger down hard. we cannot see it as a whole, we can't make out what it is. it's big, heavy, and raging. immense jaws snap vicious teeth, going for ginger's jugular. brigitte drops her plank. beeeeei help meee! beeeee!!!1! brigitte snatches up the plank with the nails. brigitte brings it down hard on the thing, screaming. she smacks it once, twice. the plank pops a shot off the camera: flash! a horrible set of jaws and one golden eye are caught for a split second in the light. the third hit evokes a yelp and the thing backs off, snarling. brigitte quakes with the board raised, ready. the thing skitters before her as she screams. ginger scrambles to her foot and grabs bee with bloodied hands. go-go-go-go-go-go!!!! brigitte drops the plank and they run like hell. for a main thorough-way ahead. it pursues them. the fuck was that, bee? no! not tellin' anybody! bee?! nobody. get in shit for bein' out, smokin' up - don't tell. bce! wanted to kill me! i could tell. me too. don't say it. i know. brigitte lights her smoke for her. ginger takes a drag and passes it back to brigitte. fuck. you okay? brigitte resumes her first aid. why!?? why me? i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay. right? it's okay. brigitte doesn't look convinced. brigitte snaps the port of an internal vacuum system open and reaches into the tube. she withdraws a sample-size of jack daniels. wasn't my fault! wasn't a f uckin' bear either. whatever it was, it wasn't a bear! do i stink? can you smell it? doesn't feel anythin' like peeing your pants, by the way. it's gross though. it's really gross. i better, ya know, deal with that. that booze - straight to my head, man. you saved me. love you. bee. brigitte leans in, listening to ginger breathe. sorry. pads suck, so ya know. thanks pamela, i'm aware. off brigitte's insulted look, t dunno, i'm all blaaahh, i got this, like i can taste what i want, but nothin's it. ya know? brigitte stops in mid-chew. mccardy's a stoner right? c'mon, i wanna feel better. hey. so. nice day, blah blah blah. got any smoke? smoke. grass, weed, dope, green, bud, nancy. wanna share? yeah? this home-grown? jus' get'im out! yeah. just hate dogs. they give one another this corny smile. brigitte bugs her eyes at ginger. ginger rises reluctantly. well. thanks for the smoke. i'll letcha know. ginger grins ear-to-ear, elbowing brigitte. ginger kicks the van doors open and saunters out. brigitte :follows, trying not to laugh. bee! com'ere-! brigitte shuffles to the wrong door, opens it and finds it empty. she giggles and moves to the next one. 1 didn't think. i dunno. i got it on my tits too, look. no, it's itchy. i can't have a hairy chest bee, that's fucked. this sucks. that's so stupid! they both burst into gales again. there is a sound outside the stall, as yeah, who's next? i'm still sticky! brigitte's jaw drops. ginger turns to leave and the trinas, start to relax. ginger whips around again: rrr-uf, ruf, rr-of-rufrf so? ginger looks up at jason, who is reading the note. jason smiles at ginger and destroys the note. trina seethes. ginger grabs the knife from brigitte. she makes a deep incision in the pig's belly. hold on, i'm goi.n' for the brain. ginger has begun scraping away at the pig's cranium with her finger nails. a sickening creak, snap, and the brain is exposed. ginger - unconsciously - licks her fingers as she admires its frontal lobe. hunh? what? before brigitte can answer, ginger lifts the brain out on her finger tips, gently pushes brigitte out of her way and. whap! the brain lands squarely on trina's head. trina screams. ha-ha! bull's eye! what, it slipped! as ginger stomps out with the teacher. brigitte and trina gape at one another. what're you, nuts? i got a skin thing, whatever. he din't say that! i'm takin' a shower. fuck fuck fuck fuck there are two other broken razors in the stall, stuffed with hairs. blood mixes with the water and swirls around her toes. sonnovabitch! now livid, ginger takes up a dead tree branch. up in the tree, brigitte hides her face in her hands. ginger (:racks the stick over the dog's head. the yelping stops but ginger keeps hitting. blood splatters over her face. and ginger tastes it. ginger drops her stick. she drags the body into the hedge next to the fence. brigitte lowers her hands from her eyes. ginger is directly below her, concealed from the house by the shrubs. ginger falls to her knees before the corpse. she lifts a rattling hand to touch him. she lowers her face to the bloody mess. she's sweating, vibrating, physically resisting an irresistible drive. ginger's tongue slips between her lips. and ginger licks morely's body. i couldn't help it. really. guess you were right. ginger finds and lights a smoke. you know what's really weird? i liked it. i liked it a lot. i feel all fucki.n' goofy now. like, i dunno. like .happy? brigitte shakes her head over and over. i feel like i just got off the planet smasher ride at warworid, okay? it rules! ginger leaps to the stereo and blasts on some tunes. she flails around the room wildly. ginger grabs brigitte by the arms and makes her dance too. ginger spins and spins brigitte, who fights it but laughs. i want more. brigitte squirms fitfully. not if you help. bee. i'm starving. brigitte looks into her sister's beaming face. jus' keep watch. look, i'm gonna be somethin' totally else. tell me you don't so dig it. tell me you don't wanna see what happens. brigitte groans. you love it. brigitte examines the feminine hygiene calendar. in it, a cartoon of a female egg is personified with a heels and sunglasses, strutting across the date. i'm still hungry, bee. it's not enough. i want somethin'. i need more. got a light, jace'? jason and his pals all fumble for lighters and five little flames appear before her smoke. she lights her smoke on jason's, and exhaling looks him up and down. the boys flames go out, all at once. my sister would like one also. obediently, they all light up for brigitte. brigitte falters before the attention. at ginger's nod, brigitte lights up too. excuse me? ginger seems to tower over the trinas today. trina can't match the menace. ginger exhales smoke in trinals face and climbs the steps into the school. brigitte double-takes ginger's back. ginger's spine is protruding sharply through her shirt. trina leers at brigitte. mmnun . it's sick but - i'm all like horny. brigitte makes a sour face. what, she started it! brigitte watches ginger march to the sidelines, throwing off her gear as she goes. i don't do friendly, mr. wayne. really? so was i. weird. ginger fakes an eye-lash batting smile. she winds the condom over her erect fingers. uh, no. they think i'm cute. mr. wayne sighs. 'long as you like it. fuckin' guidance my ass. she pounds her fist into a locker and makes a dent. brigitte cringes. ginger admires the damage. hey. nothin' special. sure. c'mon bee. jason and brigitte's faces darken simultaneously. no we shouldn't. brigitte drags ginger aside. ginger notes brigitte's hand squeezing her arm with a dangerous look. well, i do. why?! look, grow up a little an' maybe you'll get it forget it, i'm goin'. i'll draw ya a picture later, 'kay? ginger takes jason's hand and pulls him off to the exit. jason gives brigitte such a smug look over his shoulder. brigitte stands alone in the hall, gaping after them. i have to go. it's getting late. 1-have-to-go. hey_ you got no idea. hi! stop screaming or i'll rip your permed head right off you neck. an' ya know what? i can do that. now open wide ginger force-feeds trina something on a spoon. trina screams with her mouth full, trying to spit it back out. ginger offers trina a glass of milk. chaser? no? jus' like you said, bee! s' perfect! brigitte grabs the bowl away: glass shards and tacks rain around them. hey! i'm join' this for you! as the sisters argue, trina rocks the chair back and forth, trying to free herself. yer still burnt over jason! you sayin' i'm stupid?! ha-ha. ginger grabs her own right arm and shudders with pain. ow. ow. owchee-wow-ow. brigitte takes trina in from head to toe. brigitte checks trina for a pulse. brigitte snaps her hand back as though it were burned. a tremor wracks brigitte's body and she convulses. brigitte runs to the bathroom. off screen, brigitte throws up. meanwhile ginger raises her afflicted hand. the hand is nowsomething clearly on the way to being a wolfen paw. the nails are black, curling claws. oblivious, brigitte climbs back into bed and covers her face with a pillow. bee. . bee! awestruck, they both watch as ginger extends and retracts her: new set of claws. there is a knock at the door. the girls look at one another in mute horror. ginger addresses the door. what! -- no! um. sure. fine. okay. they all begin eating in silence. except brigitte who gags as henry squirts ketchup all over his stew. told you. can we do it my way now? brigitte hesitates, her anxieties rising. she won't fit unless i i din't kill her! no. i'm not doing people. no. brigitte takes a deep breath, nodding. she acts belief. hm. big book of monsters, hunh. thought they were useless. man, i'm not getting enough sleep. ginger closes the bathroom door. brigitte leaps to the door, looping one end of a noosed extension cord around the handle. the other end is tied to the door handle of the bedroom door. brigitte checks to ensure the latter is bolted shut. bee!? open the fuckin' door you feeb. i can't stay. an' i said .. oh dear. don't ever fuck with me like that again. he asked for it. was gonna expel me. so. backing away, brigitte trips over mr. wayne's foot sticking out from under the desk. what do we do, bee? what do we do? c'mon we need a fuckin' plan here! the school bell goes off. brigitte snaps out of her daze, reaches up and hits the light switch off. they now sit in virtual darkness. bee, gotta a smoke? brigitte hands her a smoke. sorry about this. don't be mad, ' kay? bee? thanks. brigitte blinks at her, then continues to skulk away. the office door shuts and the lock locking reverbs after her. move! hey. how's it goin'? what can i say. i had an urgo. you won't tell. no you won't. shut up. shut up. how ' bout a deal. you keep our lil' secret and i do you. all a' you. brigitte slumps against the wall. not now - i'm a mess. we're having a halloween party at. our place, friday night. we'll do it then. i won't ditch. but you guys say a word about this to any one, - and there's no action. so it's up to you. you stay quiet, you score. you don't - phhtt - nice knowin' ya. c'mon bee. they pissed me off. brigitte opens the bathroom door. think yer sooo smart? i think yer sooo jealous. oh, wow. what. so? ginger hurls brigitte against the wall. ginger throws herself on top of brigitte. ginger raises her killing claw to bri g.ilt.e' s neck. who needs you? brigitte is helpless and looks terrified. ginger's face is contorted with intensity, with madness. ginger's drooling. a drip of gob drops onto brigitte's face. an' spoil my fun? i'll skin you alive first. brigitte struggles to a point between ginger and the window. no, you wake up! nobody'll live to catch me. yer a two-faced lil' chicken shit? your problem, brigitte. i don't need ya. i don't wantcha! so stay away from me or i'll kill you i swear i'll have you for breakfast. brigitte backs out of ginger's way. ginger steps up i.o the window and climbs through. brigitte rubs her throat, trying hard to keep breathing. brigitte dashes to her own bed and drags an adidas gym bag from under it. brigitte starts grabbing clothes off the floor and jamming them into the bag. you wish! you know about that? all a' you guys?! my house! tonight! i wanna party with everybody. we'll do it till you drop. bruise. lacrosse. git in here an, gimme a hand. brigitte casts an uncertain look at jason. don't say a fuckin' word. ginger lowers the towel she's wearing enough to show the bump on her butt is now a twitching tail. brigitte gasps. take this gauze and tie it flat. do it! brigitte takes the roll of gauze. she grabs the tail between her fingers and coils it up with utter disgust. brigitte's hands tremble. now get outta my life. brigitte grits her teeth. then wait here till i'm done. oh, don't tempt me. ginger takes a deep breath before she opens the bathroom door. her breath is ragged. she smoothes her hair and chews her lip. she's nervous. ginger opens the door and closes it behind her. this dope's fucked. makin' me blaarrggh. c'mon. i'll do ya. what's up your ass?! leave my baby sister alone. do me, don't hurt her. oh. well fuck you. ginger takes a big toke as she paces between sam and the door. suddenly she's coughing uncontrollably, rubbing her eyes, wailing in pain. burning! what is this?! sam makes a move toward her and ginger blindly lashes out at him. ginger hurls sam into the bed. sam's flight path knocks the mattress askew: dozens and dozens of dog collars pour out over him. sam fingers one in particular. nobody'll want me now any ways. sc. brigitte takes in the cut, the rest of the monstrosity her sister has become. i don't wanna do this any more. brigitte yanks ginger out of the tub and grabs a towel, frantic. i missed you bee. i'm sorry. brigitte searches ginger's face. ya feeb. brigitte gently turns ginger around to try and deal with her tail. ginger is woozy and weak from blood loss. i'm so woozy. brigitte glances out into the bedroom. no. wanna be one with me? oooh nooo.