how was school today? i'd rather stay out of this. ah. yes. you've said. repeatedly. as pamela says the next line, ginger mou t:hs it- word for word 1.a brigitte. mmmm. steak's really yummy tonight. this a new sauce? the sisters giggle. pamela is losing her cool. pamela? this is not my fault. no one's at fault here. i've told you, i really have no idea. oddly enough, we never discussed it. why don't you call her and ask her yourself? a--ha! hey, hey - i don't want to hear that word in my house. you will do as your mother says and i will change the subject. anybody going to tell me what happened to my fence? from under the table, henry produces the bloodied, sawed-off picket stained bloody from ginger's impaling. brigitte holds her full mouth open so ginger can see its masticated contents. ginger cracks up laughing. henry and pamela sigh. the gynecologist called. pamela grasps ginger's gnarly arm and squeezes it through her sleeve. brigitte and ginger look at pamela's hand. pamela, don't scare her. how could the cells not be human cells? we'll send you to somebody else. i haven't been to tinny's. that sinclair girl was found at the bernstein's, can you believe it? what's your sister up to? brigitte looks at henry as he works on a little witch. pun intended. pamela giggles as does henry. brigitte grabs a fistful of monkshood and races for the door. notice any girls? pamela shrugs. told you. she's a arts-type, for chrissakes, look at that. pamela, honey, it's just a prank, you know how they. (he fingers some sam mcdonald? 12: yeah, i think not. another one? ginger opens the locker. she unfolds the paper. there's a big fat joint inside, and a note that says: ginger, call 555- ooops. sorry. ginger gives trina a very dirty look. brigitte tries to rub her sore head while clutching her uniform to cover her chest. trina and her posse cackle as they prance out, their butt cheeks waggling. the sisters continue changing. i'm actually eating here. yeah! this isn't funny. i'm not harry, i'm ginger. ginger gives the trinas a good dead-eyed stave, and walks out. brigitte stumbles out after her. "the key to his survival is a constant diet of fresh warm- blooded victims. his appetite is insatiable, and grows with each kill. but his appetite is also the key to his own demise, ho-ow much is that daw-gy in the window. arf-arf! "the beast was usually finally eliminated with a bullet, the cost of breaking the curse the human life that bore it.,, oh man. "however many believed wolfs bane had the power not only to protect the innocent, but calmed those afflicted to a restored sense of reason and self- control." make my life easier. sam laughs. surprised by this, brigitte smiles and hides under her hair.