didn't you have a presentation? how'd it go? made an appointment for you girls at my gynecologist. next thursday. henry studies his plate. ginger almost imperceptibly shakes her head at brigitte. brigitte nods, understanding. you know why. what did i say about that tone of voice? .you are going to the gynecologist. henry, neither one of them has had a period yet. it's very odd that two perfectly healthy fifteen year olds are not menstruating. right? briggitte apes henry's next line back to ginger. i started at eleven. the problem must be on your side, henry. when did your sister start? i can't call her out of the blue and ask a thing like that. besides, it's dinner time. they'll be eating. well i've been checking panties for four years now girls, please. there's something wrong, ginger. he wants to do an ultra-sound! i'm sure your father's right. i'm just upset. how are you feeling, do you feel. all right? no unusual discharge or anything like that? henry, brigitte and ginger groan. i worry, all right? i've made another appointment with a new doctor. early next month was the earliest he could see you. okay? now just remember, no boys in you bedroom during this party. your room is off limits. ginger are you sure that arm's not sprained, or worse? mm henry when'd you get this new meat from tinny's? quite nice. brigitte and ginger exchange a look. then where's all the packs marked "t" come from -? brigitte spits out her food. what, last night? i didn't hear a thing! never going to have these done in time. henry help. pamela is feverishly creating little straw witches and such party decorations. she has a se]ecl.i.on of dried flowers, wheat etc on the table before her. brigitte, honey we're thrilled you two are making friends. but next time you two do something like this give mummy a little more notice, will you? hate having to scramble. brigitte slides into her regular chair and props her hands on her wrists in an attitude of complete distraction. she said she had a lot of work to do on her costume. should we dress up, you think? henry grimaces. he sifts through the dried plants before them. brigitte double-takes the pile. just weeds, old cuttings from the yard. oh, i had that around the dahlias. man at the greenhouse said it'd keep the cats out. seemed to do the job. it's got a funny name - nun's robe, priest hat, something that's right. do we have a budding botanist in the family?! hey, we need that! brigitte! but brigitte is gone. that was my accent colour! she's very good, isn't she? one minute young lady, i could use a little help here. i have to get two more veggie trays down those stairs. i think your sister' 11 be fine for two minutes. pamela is already marching brigitte up the stairs. brigitte strains to get back. looking between her mother and her closed bedroom door, desperately. all these boys came to see you two, least you can do is stop hiding in your room. honestly, you act like someone'd forced this party down your throat. now go be nice. pamela stands between brigitte and the bedroom door, her arms folded. yes--i do. i was shy too at your age. mingle. girls? you in there? you're not being very sociable. there's no answer. she tries the knob, and is surprised to find it unlocked. she opens the door. she turns on the lights. pamela takes in the bloody muck everywhere. the room is deserted. no sam. no sisters fitzgerald. just gore. pamela swoons and drops like a deadweight to the floor. henry rushes up, looking in over his wife's body. the boys in costume crowd in behind him.