shit. had an accident on the 403. it was weird it. morely stomps into brigitte's lap, sniffing her crotch. sorry about him, he's an ass hole. morely! my girlfriend's, she won't leave him at home alone any more. ya know, dog killers. morely, no! sit! brigitte's mouth is hanging open. morely slobbers all over her hands. new harvest, see whatcha think. what's your problem? never seen a pretty girl before? ginger sneers at morely and morely bares his teeth. sorry, he's not really like this. i'm really sorry. i'm really - well, see you guys. and in another flash of daylight, sam and morely are gone. brigitte looks longingly at the closed door. the stone has set in, and everyone but brigitte giggles as they settle. brigitte takes in the lesser mortals like they're lepers. you can see i got customers, so if that's all. if you skipped school lookin' to score, i don't keep nothin' here at work, sweetheart. hey. from mccardy's van, right? you know my girlfriend? trina sinclair? you seen her today? fuck. she's missing. yeah, well. cops think i know where she is. i don't. sam looks brigitte right in the eye. brigitte is caught up in him for a second. sorry, what do you care right? what do you need. aconitum lycoctonum? sorry. brigitte yanks her own hair hard. sam smiles. tryin' to kill somebody? well, you know it's poisonous, right? wolfs bane? deadly. be like stocking hemlock an, shit. anyways they're perennials - only flowers in spring. brigitte turns to leave, hot with frustration, huinilliation. sam watches her stamp toward the door. hey. ranunculaceae come in about a hundred species. i've gotta cousin, monkshood. not so toxic. if you're interested. don't know if it'd help. s'called monkshood 'cause people used to think it kept 'em pure from dirty thoughts. seriously. hey. wolfs bane. wanna drink? brigitte stops and turns to face him. sam dries his face on his sleeve and pops his passenger door. brigitte looks around and slides in. ginger is watching brigitte out of the corner of her eye. i showed up to see trina? but she's i'm goin' strange in the head. brigitte doesn't know what to say, so she offers his a smoke. he takes it. why? why would ya do a thing like that? brigitte examine his. face for an implication. there isn't one. what's unny is i dumped her that night. feel bad about it now. truth is, she was a pain in the ass. i sound like a jerk, right. really? yeah well, while she was - disappearin', i'm off have a time at the highway home with my buddy georgio. drinkin', dealin' - an, now she's sam is over-come again. brigitte raises a hand to touch him, chickens out, and then scores on the second attempt. he rolls right into her arms. sorry, this is strange. i don't even . last time i saw her she was so mad at me. an' we did have some times, we did. makes me sick what her last thought a' me musta been though. their eyes meet, their faces are inches apart. brigitte kisses him, very softly and very quickly and then pulls out. sam looks shocked. brigitte looks more shocked. shit. sorry. kinda freaked. you know? i shouldn't, well. but that was really nice. you wanna lil' dube or somethin'? listenin' to me go on like a loser-what's yet- name? yes! dirty thoughts! oh. i been drinkin'. should not drive. right, brr-igitte? brigitte drags her hands over her face with extreme anxiety. ginger's yer sister right? sam grimaces as brigitte nods. oh, rumors - say she's doin' all these guys at some party. goias' around she's a big time ho', that kinder thing. hey. don't worry about it. nobody mentioned you. ginger's most maniacal laugh drifts over to them. brigitte sees her dancing sexily on the roof of a car with a whole crowd of leering boys. like to see ya again. can i come to yer party too? they let me go. no evidence: someone called in this tip. wow, yer sister's gone to town. sure. yeah, what. brigitte shows him what appears to be a joint. sam takes it. oh, okay. gonna miss me bee f.? brigitte smiles, embarrassed and freaking at the exact same time. be right back. okay, cut it out now. no thanks. told yer sister i'd be right back. don't get mean, s'nothin' personal. i happen to think brigitte's pretty cool. and -. i won't hurt her. now be a good girl and finish up your joint. morely -?!