we live in supplication to your glory. senator gracchus is hale, sire. still eager for your triumphant return to rome, caesar. and why not apply for entry to the senate? are you a believer in republicanism? if your heart lies with the people, i would back you for the senate. i'm sure gracchus would as well. the august senator gracchus has been rather a gadfly on the flesh of the imperial family. he lives under the antiquated assumption that the senate should represent the people with vigor. he serves rome best when he serves it with honesty. do you think he'll listen to us? it's madness. and what pays for it? these games are costing a fortune and yet we have no new taxes. no. the praetorians would only seize control themselves. no roman army has entered the capital in a hundred years. we've been ordered to attend. and what of the emperor? one question. who is to be the actual regicide?