we have plague in the hebrew quarter and it is spreading. we have looting at the granaries. we have so much filth in the tiber that the water is undrinkable. we have praetorian guard units that are demanding protection payments from the merchants at the exchange -- rome dies as the emperor plays at beneficence. at least nero gave us music! it is his duty to hear the will of the senate. not to mention the damn traffic! darling children, to be sure, now if i may proceed? caesar, your presence in rome is an invaluable opportunity to begin correcting some of the ills that have beset the city since your father went to the wars. we would like to -- with respect, sire, the people don't need love -- they need law. the senate has prepared a series of protocols to begin addressing the corruption in the city -- -- starting with basic sanitation in the hebrew quarter. if caesar could study this and -- the senate is the people. have you ever embraced someone dying of plague, sire? you want to hold games? if i may, caesar. how are you going to pay for this? respectfully, sire, taxation and import duties are the exclusive province of the senate -- no. it's not. he knows who rome is. rome is the mob. he will conjure magic for them and they will be distracted. and he will takes their lives. and he will take their freedom. and still they will roar. the beating heart of rome isn't the marble of the senate. it's the sand of the colosseum. he will give them death. and they will love him for it. we've taking a sounding, the senate is with us. but we are only words. we are air. we need steel. well, can they at least be rented for a day? lucilla, gaius is right. until the city guard can neutralize the praetorians we can accomplish nothing. for you prince lucius. a sea monster! off the coast of achaea they grow twenty times this size, with snapping teeth to devour any nasty praetorians they come across. now, where is achaea? show me on the map. you're welcome, prince anthill! peace child. one dark night the gods will light our path. they will give us the voice we need. have faith in that. have faith. about half. but once the tyrant is dead. all. i want to meet him. we should fear for the blackest storm. i only have one question for you, general. why? you will lead an army of your brothers on rome. many will die. why? that's not the reason. tell me the truth. i knew the old man well. and i loved him very much. in our youth we would spend hours building that dream together. after he went to the wars and lost his way. i was very cruel. i tormented him to remember that dream we spoke of. you can have no idea how much that means to me. any man who will die for a whispered dream deserves my respect. i honor you, general. general, the purple is yours if you so desire. the senate will support you.