a people should know when they are conquered. at the first signal release the catapults. we'll use the cavalry to cut off the retreat. i hope not, because i'm going to be leading them. why don't they know they're already dead? hold steady. steady. steady. brothers -- i salute you! for rome! caesar. i don't think there's anyone left to fight. should caesar permit, i'll go home. i've been away too long. i've forgotten my wife's face and i barely know my son. come, caesar. for the glory of the empire, sire. they honor you, caesar. highness. caesar, you do the lady injustice. if you'll excuse me, highness. what, gallus, losing your other hand? and the women of your village will crave your touch even more. what's your name, son? the name suits you. you're dying because you love rome, as i do. neither have i. rome for us lives here. . it's a thing inside us that came from our ancestors and that we give to our children. yes, it's a glorious place. if you want to stay on, i support you. so do the men. i'll ask the emperor to appoint you in my place. i'll return after a season at home. maybe two. should the gods so bless me. i would be thankful. yes. i'm going home. no. i'm a soldier, not a politician. i can't do that. my men have been fighting for five solid days. they're too busy dying to go on dress parade. caesar. i never acquired the art, sir. caesar, i am honored but -- sire, you brought the light of the gods to barbarian darkness. you brought civilization and justice to the farthest -- yes, caesar. you're not dying. caesar, you do me honor -- but your son has pride of place for succession. i shall, caesar. you have always been my father. that's not true. i lost too many men. i don't know. i never acquired your comfort with it. no. i'm sorry. i'm tired from the battle. i will always serve the ideals of rome. yes. yes. may i be permitted to go, highness? and there was a time when you were just a little girl drowning in the sea. all that was a different life. it was more honest. i thank you for your prayers. ancestors, true bloodline, i ask you for your guidance. bring me your solace and your wisdom. blessed mother, come to me in my dreams with the gods' desire for my future. blessed father, watch over my wife and my son with a ready sword. keep them safe until my return. whisper to them in their sleep that i live only to hold them again and all else is dust and air. ancestors, true bloodline, i honor you and will try to live with the dignity you have taught me. quintus -- ? what is it? is he ill? how did he die? how did he die? how will the world speak your name now, old man? what -- ?! quintus -- quintus, what -- ? my family?! what about my family, quintus? have you ever done this before? killed a man with a sword? it can be very messy -- you could get blood all over your armor. you don't want to hack me up now. you want one clean stroke. one good stroke -- you do know where, don't you? if you miss the spot there'll be blood everywhere. quite a spray. here -- you don't want to hit the vein on the neck -- put the point of your sword here. you want one, good blow right at this spot -- am i in hades? gladiator. nothing more. the emperor -- will he be there? have you -- how does one meet the emperor? yes. he give it personally? you knew marcus? no. bigger arena. same killing. no. this isn't my home. perhaps one day you'll return. yes, but -- what -- ? i am maximus meridas, general of the this isn't your battle. i knew your brother would send assassins. i didn't think he would send his best. my family were crucified and burnt while they were still alive. don't lie to me. don't. my son was innocent. i want your brother dead. how do you plan it? so the crown passes to your son. what is your son's name? i weep for him. what can you tell me? i was a general. it doesn't take courage to kill. i'm sorry. i had a father. he wasn't really my father but i cared for him very much. where is my army? i will not kill another warrior. there is no honor to it. tell him we will enter rome on the first day of commodus' festival. yes. but this letter must go to the lieutenant named titus, no one else. the felix regiment will never be defeated. i want commodus dead. because one night an old man whispered to me about a dream. i will die for that dream. he did. as will i, commodus. as will i. i only have ancestors because of you, brother. you killed everything that ever lived alongside me. this is the new home you cursed me to. and i am safer here from your treachery than i could ever be outside. why don't you ask your father that? i have more power as a slave in the arena than i could ever have as a free man. as the colosseum goes, the people go. as the people go, the empire goes. no, caesar. i will show you. the felix regiment will come from here. we'll face the body of the praetorians outside -- here. once inside, my archers will take up position to counter opposition inside the colosseum. i'll enter and join you -- we'll attack here -- -- a covert assault from within. probably. but if we aren't. think of the glory. do you remember glory, gladiator? then be worthy of him. the old titan who would rather die bravely in a just battle than slink off to grow old and fat. was it centurion? general? a soldier knows a soldier. no -- you said something to me once. you said in this life, we all die. all we can choose is how we die. and how we are remembered. do you recall those words? then be remembered proudly. this is your time, proximo. stand at my side and be what you were. what you truly are. one last time. you pox-ridden bastard -- ! a quarter?! you know, if you were half so awful as you pretend, you'd be a terrifying man. lucilla -- good. you've told me this already. lucilla. why are you here? no. yes. yes. yes. i will. and if i should not survive. swear to me that you will honor my family in your prayers always. shhh. my heart breaks enough. but -- we were betrayed. you're not coming? old friend. where is he? i forgive you. throw down your weapons or we will kill you. felix regiment! do honor to your ancestors! i salute you! captain? where are they going?! for my wife! for my son! for my father! we who are about to die salute you. rome. you are better than this. look inside yourselves. i challenge you to find your true voice. help the senate speak for you. make them your champion. and dare to think what could be. i give you back the dream. when everything has calmed down, lead an orderly withdrawal. take them home. it doesn't look it now. but soon we'll have it growing again. next year there will be vines, and then there will be grapes. it will be alive.