john. john. john. okay. john. john. look: the glengarry highland's leads, you're sending roma out. fine. he's a good man. we know what he is. he's fine. all i'm saying, you look at the board, he's throwing. wait, wait, wait, he's throwing them away, he's throwing the leads away. all that i'm saying, that you're wasting leads. i don't want to tell you your job. all that i'm saying, things get set, i know they do, you get a certain mindset. a guy gets a reputation. we know how this. all i'm saying, put a closer on the job. there's more than one man for the. put a. wait a second, put a proven man out. and you watch, now wait a second--and you watch your dollar volumes. you start closing them for fifty 'stead of twenty- five. you put a closer on the. no. john. no. let's wait, let's back up here, i did. will you please? wait a second. please. i didn't "blow" them. no. i didn't "blow" them. no. one kicked out, one i closed. i, if you'd listen to me. please. i closed the cocksucker. his ex, john, his ex, i didn't know he was married. he, the judge invalidated the. and what is that, john? what? bad luck. that's all it is. i pray in your life you will never find it runs in streaks. that's what it does, that's all it's doing. streaks. i pray it misses you. that's all i want to say. what two? you want to see the court records? john? eh? you want to go down. do you want to go downtown? then. then what is this "you say" shit, what is that? what is that? what is this "you say"? a deal kicks out. i got to eat. shit, williamson, shit. you. moss. roma. look at the sheets. look at the sheets. nineteen eighty, eighty-one. eighty-two. six months of eighty-two. who's there? who's up there? under him? bullshit. john. bullshit. april, september 1981. it's me. it isn't fucking moss. due respect, he's an order taker, john. he talks, he talks a good game, look at the board, and it's me, john, it's me. lately kiss my ass lately. that isn't how you build an org. talk, talk to murray. talk to mitch. when we were on peterson, who paid for his fucking car? you talk to him. the seville? he came in, "you bought that for me shelly." out of what? cold calling. nothing. sixty-five, when we were there, with glen ross farms? you call 'em downtown. what was that? luck? that was "luck"? bullshit, john. you're burning my ass, i can't get a fucking lead. you think that was luck. my stats for those years? bullshit. over that period of time? bullshit. it wasn't luck. it was skill. you want to throw that away, john? you want to throw that away? it isn't you? who is it? who is this i'm talking to? i need the leads. bullshit the thirtieth, i don't get on the board the thirtieth, they're going to can my ass. i need the leads. i need them now. or i'm gone, and you're going to miss me, john, i swear to you. you talk to murray. marshal the leads. marshal the leads? what the fuck, what bus did you get off of, we're here to fucking sell. fuck marshaling the leads. what the fuck talk is that? what the fuck talk is that? where did you learn that? in school? that's "talk," my friend, that's "talk." our job is to sell. i'm the man to sell. i'm getting garbage. you're giving it to me, and what i'm saying is it's fucked. yes. i am. i'm sorry to antagonize you. and i'm going to get bounced and you're. yes. then how do they come up above that mark? with dreck? that's nonsense. explain this to me. 'cause it's a waste, and it's a stupid waste. i want to tell you something. the premium leads. yes. i know what they cost. john. because i, i generated the dollar revenue sufficient to buy them. nineteen senny-nine, you know what i made? senny-nine? ninety-six thousand dollars. john? for murray. for mitch. look at the sheets. fuck him. fuck murray. john? you know? you tell him i said so. what does he fucking know? he's going to have a "sales" contest. you know what our sales contest used to be? money. a fortune. money lying on the ground. murray? when was the last time he went out on a sit? sales contest? it's laughable. it's cold out there now, john. it's tight. money is tight. this ain't sixty-five. it ain't. it just ain't. see? see? now, i'm a good man--but i need a. john. john. ah, fuck this. that's fucked. that's fucked. you don't look at the fucking percentage. you look at the gross. i'm out. i'll tell you why i'm out. i'm out, you're giving me toilet paper. john. i've seen those leads. i saw them when i was at homestead, we pitched those cocksuckers rio rancho nineteen sixty-nine they wouldn't buy. they couldn't buy a fucking toaster. they're broke, john. they're cold. they're deadbeats, you can't judge on that. even so. even so. alright. fine. fine. even so. i go in, four fucking leads they got their money in a sock. they're fucking polacks, john. four leads. i close two. two. fifty per. they all kick out. you run in streaks, pal. streaks. i'm. i'm. don't look at the board, look at me. shelly levene. anyone. ask them on western. ask getz at homestead. go ask jerry graff. you know who i am. i need a shot. i got to get on the fucking board. ask them. ask them. ask them who ever picked up a check i was flush. moss, jerry graff, mitch himself. those guys lived on the business i brought in. they lived on it. and so did murray, john. you were here you'd of benefited from it too. and now i'm saying this. do i want charity? do i want pity? i want sits. i want leads that don't come right out of a phone book. give me a lead hotter than that, i'll go in and close it. give me a chance. that's all i want. i'm going to get up on that fucking board and all i want is a chance. it's a streak and i'm going to turn it around. i need your help. why? bullshit, bullshit, you assign them. what are you telling me? then put me on the board. i can't close these leads, john. no one can. it's a joke. john, look, just give me a hot lead. just give me two of the premium leads. as a "test," alright? as a "test" and i promise you. i'll give you ten percent. and what if you don't close. i will close. i will close. i will close. john, john, ten percent. i can get hot. you know that. fuck that. that's defeatist. fuck that. fuck it. get on my side. go with me. let's do something. you want to run this office, run it. alright. john. listen. i want to talk to you. permit me to do this a second. i'm older than you. a man acquires a reputation. on the street. what he does when he's up, what he does otherwise. i said "ten," you said "no." you said "twenty." i said "fine," i'm not going to fuck with you, how can i beat that, you tell me?. okay. okay. we'll. okay. fine. we'll. alright, twenty percent, and fifty bucks a lead. that's fine. for now. that's fine. a month or two we'll talk. a month from now. next month. after the thirtieth. we'll talk. no. you're right. that's for later. we'll talk in a month. what have you got? i want two sits. tonight. i saw the board. you've got four. bullshit. they ain't been in the office yet. give 'em some stiff. we have a deal or not? eh? two sits. the des plaines. both of 'em, six and ten, you can do it. six and ten. eight and eleven, i don't give a shit, you set 'em up? alright? the two sits in des plaines. good. now we're talking. now? now? ah, shit, john. you fucking asshole. i haven't got it. i haven't got it, john. i'll pay you tomorrow. i'm coming in here with the sales, i'll pay you tomorrow. i haven't got it, when i pay, the gas. i get back the hotel, i'll bring it in tomorrow. i'll give you thirty on them now, i'll bring the rest tomorrow. i've got it at the hotel. john? we do that, for chrissake? i'm asking you. as a favor to me? john. john: my daughter. well, i want to tell you something, fella, wasn't long i could pick up the phone, call murray and i'd have your job. you know that? not too long ago. for what? for nothing. "mur, this new kid burns my ass." "shelly, he's out." you're gone before i'm back from lunch. i bought him a trip to bermuda once. wait. alright. fine. the one. give me the lead. give me the one lead. the best one you have. why? is that it? is that it? you want to do business that way? you want to do business that way? alright. alright. alright. alright. what is there on the other list? yeah. yeah. that's what i'm saying. yeah. i'd like something off the other list. which, very least, that i'm entitled to. if i'm still working here, which for the moment i guess that i am. what? i'm sorry i spoke harshly to you. the deal still stands, our other thing. good. mmm. i, you know, i left my wallet back at the hotel. get the chalk. get the chalk. get the chalk! i closed 'em! i closed the cocksucker. get the chalk and put me on the board. i'm going to hawaii! put me on the cadillac board, williamson! pick up the fuckin' chalk. eight units. mountain view. you bet your ass. who wants to go to lunch? who wants to go to lunch? i'm buying. eighty-two fucking grand. and twelve grand in commission. john. on fucking deadbeat magazine subscription leads. read it. bruce and harriett nyborg. what happened here? what happened? that's right. hey, big fucking deal. broke a bad streak. you. thank you, george. williamson, get on the phone, call mitch. they. wh. wh. wha? when? they took the leads? yeah. just now. eighty-two thousand dollars. my ass. i told 'em. listen to this: i said. "you have to believe in yourself. you"--look--"alright?" ". you have to believe in yourself" "bruce, harriet. fuck me, believe in yourself" ". you look around, you say, 'this one has so-and-so, and i have nothing" "'why? why don't i get the opportunities?" "i want to tell you something, harriet" will you shut up, i'm telling you this. "you do get the" huh? huh? "you do get the opportunity. you get them. as i do, as anyone does" i got 'em in the kitchen. i'm eating her crumb cake. rick. let me tell you. wait, we're in the. dave. i'm eating her crumb cake. from the store. "what we have to do is admit to ourself that we see that opportunity. and take it. and that's it." and we sit there. i got the pen out. that's what i'm saying. the old ways. the old ways. convert the motherfucker. sell him. sell him. make him sign the check. the. bruce, harriet. the kitchen, blah: they got their money in government bonds. i say fuck it, we're going to go the whole route. i plat it out eight units. eighty- two grand. i tell them. "this is now. this is that thing that you've been dreaming of, you're going to find that suitcase on the train, the guy comes in the door, the bag that's full of money. this is it, harriett" bruce"i don't want to fuck around with you. i don't want to go round this, and pussyfoot around the thing, you have to look back on this. i do, too. i came here to do good for you and me. for both of us. why take an interim position? the only arrangement i'll accept is full investment. period. the whole eight units. i know that you're saying 'be safe,' i know what you're saying. i know if i left you to yourselves, you'd say 'come back tomorrow,' and when i walked out that door, you'd make a cup of coffee. you'd sit down. and you'd think 'let's be safe' and not to disappoint me you'd go one unit or maybe two, because you'd become scared because you'd met possibility. but this won't do, and that's not the subject" listen to this, i actually said this. "that's not the subject of our evening together." now i handed them the pen. i held it in my hand. i turned the contract, eight units eighty-two grand. "now i want you to sign." i sat there. five minutes. then, i sat there, ricky, twenty-two minutes by the kitchen clock. twenty-two minutes by the kitchen clock. not a word, not a motion. what am i thinking? "my arm's getting tired?" no. i did it. i did it. like in the old says, ricky. like i was taught. like, like, like i used to do. i did it. bullshit, you're. no. that's raw. well, if i did, then i'm glad i did. i, well. i locked on them. all on them, nothing on me. all my thoughts are on them. i'm holding the last thought that i spoke: "now is the time." they signed, ricky. it was great. it was fucking great. it was like they wilted all at once. no gesture. nothing. like together. they, i swear to god, they both kind of imperceptibly slumped. and he reaches and takes the pen and signs, he passes it to her, she signs. it was so fucking solemn. i just let it sit. i nod like this. i nod again. i grasp his hands. i shake his hands. i grasp her hands. i nod at her like this. "bruce. harriet" i'm beaming at them. i'm nodding like this. i point back in the living room, back to the sideboard. i didn't fucking know there was a sideboard there!! he goes back, he brings us a drink. little shot glasses. a pattern in 'em. and we toast. in silence. ah, fuck. leads! leads! williamson! send me out! send me out! get 'em to me! did you tell 'em my sale? it's better than a good sale. it's a. all that i'm telling you: that one thing you can tell them it's a remarkable sale. what does that fucking mean? why should the sale not stick? hey, fuck you. that's what i'm saying. you have no idea of your job. a man's his job and you're fucked at yours. you hear what i'm saying to you? your "end of month board" you can't run an office. i don't care. you don't know what it is, you don't have the sense, you don't have the balls. you ever been on a sit? ever? has this cocksucker ever been. you ever sit down with a cust. would you? would you? or you're gonna what, fire me? on an eighty-thousand dollar day? and it ain't even noon. yes. i did. this morning. what i'm saying to you: things can change. you see? this is where you fuck up, because this is something you don't know. you can't look down the road. and see what's coming. might be someone else, john. it might be someone new, eh? someone new. and you can't look back. 'cause you don't know history. you ask them. when we were at rio rancho, who was top man? a month? two months? eight months in twelve for three years in a row. you know what that means? you know what that means? is that luck? is that some, some, some purloined leads? that's skill. that's talent, that's, that's. and you don't remember. 'cause you weren't around. that's cold calling. walk up to the door. i don't even know their name. i'm selling something they don't even want. you talk about soft sell. before we had a name for it. before we called it anything, we did it. and, and, and, i did it. and i put a kid through school. she. and. cold calling, fella. door to door. but you don't know. you don't know. you never heard of a streak. you never heard of "marshaling your sales force" what are you, you're a secretary, john. fuck you. that's my message for you. fuck you and kiss my ass. you don't like it, i'll go talk to jerry graff. period. fuck you. put me on the board. and i want three worthwhile leads today and i don't want any bullshit about them and i want 'em close together 'cause i'm going to hit them all today. that's all i have to say to you. it's not right. i'm sorry, and i'll tell you who's to blame is mitch and murray. the hell with him. we'll go to lunch, the leads won't be up for. what is it? no, mr. roma. i don't need the time, i've made a lot of investments in the last. glad to meet you. no. black creek. yes. in florida? i wanted to speak with you about. my wife told me to look into. sure. which. uh. home cooking. oh! for the magazine. well, it isn't coming out until the february iss. sure. sure, go ahead, ricky. go ahead. no, his wife is. twelve-fifteen. didn't i say i was taking the two o'. oh, my god, you're right! i'm on the one. well, let's scoot. rick. kenilworth? kenilworth. rick? i'm sure she can. rick? rick, we really have to go. rick. rick, i'm going to flag a cab. ah. ah. perhaps i can advise you on that. excuse us, will you? you are a shithead, williamson. you can't think on your feet you should keep your mouth closed. you hear me? i'm talking to you. do you hear me? you can't learn that in an office. eh? he's right. you have to learn it on the streets. you can't buy that. you have to live it. yes. mmm. yes. precisely. precisely. 'cause your partner depends on it. i'm talking to you, i'm trying to tell you something. yes, i am. what roma's trying to tell you. what i told you yesterday. why you don't belong in this business. you listen to me, someday you might say, "hey" no, fuck that, you just listen what i'm going to say: your partner depends on you. your partner. a man who's your "partner" depends on you. you have to go with him and for him. or you're shit, you're shit, you can't exist alone. excuse me, nothing, you be as cold as you want, but you just fucked a good man out of six thousand dollars and his goddamn bonus 'cause you didn't know the shot, if you can do that and you aren't man enough that it gets you, then i don't know what, if you can't take some thing from that. you're scum, you're fucking white- bread. you be as cold as you want. a child would know it, he's right. you're going to make something up, be sure it will help or keep your mouth closed. now i'm done with you. what? what are you talking about? what are you talking about? well, hadn't it? don't fuck with me, john, don't fuck with me. what are you saying? you're so full of shit. sure! i robbed the office. sure. i don't know what you are saying. i sold them to jerry graff. five thousand. i kept half. do i have to tell you? moss. it was his idea. i. i'm sure he got more than the five, actually. he told me my share was twenty-five. okay: i. look: i'm going to make it worth your while. i am. i turned this thing around. i closed the old stuff, i can do it again. i'm the one's going to close 'em. i am! i am! 'cause i turned this thing a. i can do that, i can do anyth. last night. i'm going to tell you, i was ready to do the dutch. moss gets me, "do this, we'll get well" why not. big fuckin' deal. i'm halfway hoping to get caught. to put me out of my. but it taught me something. what it taught me, that you've got to get out there. big deal. so i wasn't cut out to be a thief. i was cut out to be a salesman. and now i'm back, and i got my balls back. and, you know, john, you have the advantage on me now: whatever it takes to make it right, we'll make it right. we're going to make it right. what? where are you going, john?. you can't do that, you don't want to do that. hold, hold on. hold on. wait. wait. wait. wait. uh, look. look, twelve, twenty, two, twen. twenty-five hundred, it's. take it. take it all. take it! i. what? are you, are you, that's why? are you nuts? i'm. i'm going to close for you, i'm going to. here, here, i'm going to make this office. i'm going to be back there number one. hey, hey, hey! this is only the beginning. list. list. listen. listen. just one moment. list. here's what. here's what we're going to do. twenty percent. i'm going to give you twenty percent of my sales. twenty percent. for as long as i am with the firm. fifty percent. you're going to be my partner. fifty percent. of all my sales. what sales? i just closed eighty-two grand. are you fuckin'. i'm back. i'm back, this is only the beginning. abso. i've got the check. the check's no good? their check's no good? they're nuts? you did? don't. why? john: john:. my daughter. me. mm. i think i'd better stay here for a while. huh. ricky, i. ricky. i only want to.