all train compartments smell vaguely of shit. it gets so you don't mind it. that's the worst thing that i can confess. you know how long it took me to get there? a long time. when you die you're going to regret the things you don't do. you think you're queer? i'm going to tell you something: we're all queer. you think that you're a thief? so what? you get befuddled by a middle-class morality? get shut of it. shut it out. you cheated on your wife? you did it, live with it. you fuck little girls, so be it. there's an absolute morality? may be. and then what? if you think there is, then be that thing. bad people go to hell? i don't think so. if you think that, act that way. a hell exists on earth? yes. i won't live in it. that's me. you ever take a dump made you feel you'd just slept for twelve hours? yes. or a piss? a great meal fades in reflection. everything else gains. you know why? 'cause it's only food. this shit we eat, it keeps us going. but it's only food. the great fucks that you may have had. what do you remember about them? yes. i don't know. for me, i'm saying, what is is, it's probably not the orgasm. some broads, forearms on your neck, something her eyes did. there was a sound she made. or, me, lying, in the, i'll tell you: me lying in bed; the next day she brought me caf au lait. she gives me a cigarette, my balls feel like concrete. eh? what i'm saying, what is our life? it's looking forward or it's looking back. and that's our life. that's it. where is the moment? and what is it that we're afraid of? loss. what else? the bank closes. we get sick, my wife died on a plane, the stock market collapsed. the house burnt down. what of these happen? none on 'em. we worry anyway. what does this mean? i'm not secure. how can i be secure? through amassing wealth beyond all measure? no. and what's beyond all measure? that's a sickness. that's a trap. there is no measure. only greed. how can we act? the right way, we would say, to deal with this: "there is a one-in- a-million chance that so and so will happen. fuck it, it won't happen to me" no. we know that's not the right way i think. we say the correct way to deal with this is "there is a one-in-so-and- so chance this will happen. god protect me. i am powerless, let it not happen to me" but no to that. i say. there's something else. what is it? "if it happens, as it may for that is not within our powers, i will deal with it, just as i do today with what draws my concern today." i say this is how we must act. i do those things which seem correct to me today. i trust myself. and if security concerns me, i do that which today i think will make me secure. and every day i do that, when that day arrives that i need a reserve, odds are that i have it, and the true reserve that i have is the strength that i have of acting each day without fear. according to the dictates of my mind. stocks, bonds, objects of art, real estate. now: what are they? an opportunity. to what? to make money? perhaps. to lose money? perhaps. to "indulge" and to "learn" about ourselves? perhaps. so fucking what? what isn't? they're an opportunity. that's all. they're an event. a guy comes up to you, you make a call, you send in a brochure, it doesn't matter, "there're these properties i'd like for you to see." what does it mean? what you want it to mean. money? if that's what it signifies to you. security? comfort? all it is is things that happen to well, let's have a couple more. my name is richard roma, what's yours? james. i'm glad to meet you. i'm glad to meet you, james. i want to show you something. it might mean nothing to you. and it might not. i don't know. i don't know anymore. what is that? florida. glengarry highlands. florida. "florida. bullshit." and maybe that's true; and that's what i said: but look here: what is this? this is a piece of land. listen to what i'm going to tell you now: williamson. williamson, they stole the contracts? did they get my contracts? did they. don't fuck with me, fella. i'm talking about a fuckin' cadillac car that you owe me. they didn't get my contracts. oh, fuck. fuck. fuck fuck fuck! williamson!!! williamson!!! did they. the. some of them. who told me wh? you've got a fuckin', you've. a. who is this? you've got a board-up on the window. moss told me. how the fuck do i know? what. talk to me. some of the contracts. lingk. james lingk. i closed. yes. you did? then i'm over the fucking top and you owe me a cadillac. and i don't want any fucking shit and i don't give a shit, lingk puts me over the top, you filed it, that's fine, any other shit kicks out you go back. you. you reclose it, 'cause i closed it and you. you owe me the car. fuck insured. you owe me a car. are you talking to me? my name is richard roma. what do you care? yeah. that's swell. yes. you're right. how are you? i don't. yes. okay, the board. what? you can't do any what? well, they're old. i saw the shit that they were giving you. huh? they're ancient. clear meadows. that shit's dead. it's a waste of time. that's. that's not. fuck that shit, george. you're a, hey, you had a bad month. you're a good man, george. you hit a bad streak. we've all. look at this: fifteen units mountain view, the fucking things get stole. he filed half of them, he filed the big one. all the little ones, i have, i have to go back and. ah, fuck, i got to go out like a fucking schmuck hat in my hand and reclose the. i mean, talk about a bad streak. that would sap anyone's self confi. i got to go out and reclose all my. where's the phones? they stole the. they stole the phones. they stole the phones. they stole the leads. they're. christ. what am i going to do this month? oh, shit. down the street. to the restaura. what do you fucking? with what? with what, john, they took the leads. oh. oh. oh, your "nostalgia" file, they's fine. no. swell. 'cause i don't have to. 'cause i don't have to eat this month. no. okay. give 'em to me. fucking mitch and murray going to shit a br. what am i going to do all. what am i going to do all month. what? to the cops? yeah. that's swell. another waste of time. why? 'cause they aren't going to find the guy. yes. the cops. no. no. why? because they're stupid. "where were you last night" where was i? i was at home, where were you? see? were you the guy who broke in? yes. then don't sweat it, george, you know why? you have nothing to hide. yeah. you know who doesn't? thieves. they're inured to it. yes. the truth, george. always tell the truth. it's the easiest thing to remember. patel? ravidam patel? how am i going to make a living on thses deadbeat wogs? where did you get this, from the morgue? i don't "want" it, if you catch my drift. what's the fucking point in any case? what's the point. i got to argue with you, i got to knock heads with the cops, i'm busting my balls, sell you dirt to fucking deadbeats money in the mattress, i come back you can't even manage to keep the contracts safe, i have to go back and close them again. what the fuck am i wasting my time, fuck this shit. i'm going out and reclose last week's. okay, okay, okay, gimme this shit. fine. three? i count two. patel? fuck you. fuckin' shiva handed him a million dollars, told him "sign the deal," he wouldn't sign. and vishnu, too. into the bargain. fuck that, john. you know your business, i know mine. your business is being an asshole, and i find out whose fucking cousin you are, i'm going to go to him and figure out a way to have your ass. fuck you--i'll wait for the new leads. you sold eight mountain view? eight units? shelly! they took the phones. they took the typewriters, they took the leads, they took the cash, they took the contracts. last night, this morning. mmm. what, they beat you with a rubber bat? you going to turn state's? guess what the machine did? mountain view. eight units. you hear what i said? eight units. mountain view. guess who? guess who? harriet and blah blah nyborg. fuck you, dave. we haven't got a lead. they took 'em. fuck you care? it means, dave, you haven't closed a good one in a month, none of my business, you want to push me to answer you. and so you haven't got a contract to get stolen or so forth. who said "fuck the machine"? is that what i did? dave? i humiliated you? my god. i'm sorry. oh, and i don't get a moment to spare for a bust-out humanitarian down on his luck lately. fuck you, dave, you know you got a big mouth, and you make a close the whole place stinks with your farts for a week. "how much you just ingested," what a big man you are, "hey, let me buy you a pack of gum. i'll show you how to chew it." your pal closes, all that comes out of your mouth is bile, how fucked up you are. what is this, your farewell speech? your farewell to the troops? have a good trip. you were saying? come on. come on, you got them in the kitchen, you got the stats spread out, you're in your shirt- sleeves, you can smell it. huh? snap out of it, you're eating her crumb cake. how was it? fuck her. "always be closing" harriett. like you taught me. that was a great sale, shelly. you closed 'em today? yes. that's right, shel. he's right, williamson. oh, christ. you're a client. i just sold you five waterfront glengarry farms. i rub my head, throw me the cue "kenilworth." kenilw. i own the property, my mother owns the property, i put her into it. i'm going to show you on the plats. you look when you get home a-3 through a-14 and 26 through 30. you take your time and if you still feel. jim! what are you doing here? jim lingk, d. ray morton. i just put jim into black creek. are you acquainted with. yes. well, we'll do that this weekend. beautiful. beautiful rolling land. i was telling jim and jinny, ray, i want to tell you something. you, ray, you eat in a lot of restaurants. i know you do. mr. morton's with american express. he's. i can tell jim what you do? ray is director of all european sales and services for american ex. but i'm saying you haven't had a meal until you've tasted. i was at the lingks' last. as a matter of fact, what was that service feature you were talking about? "home cooking". what did you call it, you said it. it was a tag phrase that you had,,, home. the monthly interview? yes. is this something that i can talk ab. you're sure? well, ray was eating at one of his company's men's home in france. the man's french, isn't he? ah. ah, his wife is. ray: what time do you have? oh! my god. i've got to get you on the plane! no. you said the one. that's why you said we couldn't talk till kenilworth. i've got to get ray to o'hare. come on, let's hustle. john! call american express in pittsburgh for mr. morton, will you, tell them he's on the one o'clock. i'll see you. christ, i'm sorry you came all the way in. i'm running ray over to o'hare. you wait here, i'll. no. i'm meeting your man at the bank. i wish you'd phoned. i'll tell you, wait: are you and jinny going to be home tonight? what? i'm sorry? oh, god. oh, god. jim, excuse me. ray, i told you, who he is is the senior vice- president american express. his family owns 32 per. over the past years i've sold him. i can't tell you the dollar amount, but quite a lot of land. i promised five weeks ago that i'd go to the wife's birthday party in kenilworth tonight. i have to go. you understand. they treat me like a member of the family, so i have to go. it's funny, you know, you get a picture of the corporation-type company man, all business. this man, no. we'll go out to his home sometime. let's see. tomorrow. no. tomorrow, i'm in l.a. monday. i'll take you to lunch, where would you like to go? i'm sorry, jim. i can't talk now. i'll call you tonight. i'm sorry. i'm coming, ray. it's a common reaction, jim. i'll tell you what it is, and i know that that's why you married her. one of the reasons is prudence. it's a sizable investment. one thinks twice. it's also something women have. it's just a reaction to the size of the investment. monday, if you'd invite me for dinner again. this woman can cook. we're going to talk. i'm going to tell you something. because there's something about your acreage i want you to know. i can't talk about it now. i really shouldn't. and, in fact, by law, i'm coming, ray. what a day! i'll call you this evening, jim. i'm sorry you had to come in. monday, lunch. monday. who did she call? why did she do that, jim? three days. no, i don't know. tell me. of course you have three days. jim, jim, you saw my book. i can't, you saw my book. three business days. they mean three business days. i don't understand. you don't count saturday. no, i'm saying you don't include saturday. in your three days. it's not a business day. what would have elapsed? when did you write the check? what was yesterday? and when was that check cashed? what was the earliest it could have been cashed? today. today. which, in any case, it was not, as there were a couple of points on the agreement i wanted to go over with you in any case. i just called downtown, and it's on their desk. one moment, i'll be right with you. in fact, a. one point, which i spoke to you of which i can't talk to you about here. listen to me, the statute, it's for your protection. i have no complaints with that, in fact, i was a member of the board when we drafted it, so quite the opposite. it says that you can change your mind three working days from the time the deal is closed. which, wait a second, which is not until the check is cashed. will you excuse. will you excuse us please? i'm very sorry, jimmy. i apologize to you. what is? tell me again. tell me again. your wife. you tell me again. we're going to speak to her. we'll speak to her, jim. no, no. that's just something she "said." we don't have to do that. no, jim. i've. look. will someone get this guy off my back. yes, i have a problem. yes, i do, my fr. it's not me that ripped the joint off, i'm doing business. i'll be with you in a while. you got it? where are you going? where are you going? this is me. this is ricky, jim. jim, anything you want, you want it, you have it. you understand? this is me. something upset you. sit down, now sit down. you tell me what it is. am i going to help you fix it? you're goddamned right i am. sit down. tell you something? sometimes we need someone from outside. it's. no, sit down. now talk to me. what does that mean? what, what, say it. say it to me. what? what? say the words. what power? to negotiate what? to negotiate what? what, "this"? the "deal," forget the deal. forget the deal, you've got something on your mind, jim, what is it? what? what? what, jim: i tell you what, let's get out of here. let's go get a drink. let's. no one's going to know, let's go around the corner and we'll get a drink. forget the deal, jimmy. forget the deal. you know me. the deal's dead. am i talking about the deal? that's over. please. let's talk about you. come on. come on. come on, jim. i want to tell you something. your life is your own. you have a contract with your wife. you have certain things you do jointly, you have a bond there. and there are other things. those things are yours. you needn't feel ashamed, you needn't feel that you're being untrue. or that she would abandon you if she knew. this is your life. yes. now i want to talk to you because you're obviously upset and that concerns me. now let's go. right now. what? what did i tell you? what did i say about the three days? i'm talking with mr. lingk. if you please, i'll be back in. i'll be back in a while. i told you, check with mr. williamson. you call them again. mr. williamson! mr. lingk and i are going to. it's nothing. it was nothing. i was assuring mr. lingk. john. mr. williamson. not to my knowledge, no. you stupid fucking cunt. you, williamson. i'm talking to you, shithead. you just cost me six thousand dollars. six thousand dollars. and one cadillac. that's right. what are you going to do about it? what are you goin to do about it, asshole. you fucking shit. where did you learn your trade. you stupid fucking cunt. you idiot. whoever told you you could work with men? i'm going to have your job, shithead. i'm going downtown and talk to mitch and murrray, and i'm going to lemkin. i don't care whose nephew you are, who you know, whose dick you're sucking on. you're going out, i swear to you, you're going. anyone in this office lives on their wits. i'm going to be with you in a second. what you're hired for is to help us--does that seem clear to you? to help us. not to fuck us up. to help men who are going out there to try to earn a living. you fairy. you company man. i'll tell you something else. i hope you knocked the joint off, i can tell our friend here something might help him catch you. you want to learn the first rule you'd know if you ever spent a day in your life. you never open your mouth till you know what the shot is. you fucking child. asshole. guy couldn't find his fuckin' couch in the living room. ah, christ. what a day, what a day. i haven't even had a cup of coffee. jagoff john opens his mouth he blows my cadillac. i swear. it's not a world of men. it's not a world of men, machine. it's a world of clock watchers, bureaucrats, officeholders. what it is, it's a fucked-up world. there's no adventure to it. dying breed. yes it is. we are the members of a dying breed. that's. that's. that's why we have to stick together. shel: i want to talk to you. i've wanted to talk to you for some time. for a long time, actually. i said, "the machine, there's a man i would work with. there's a man" you know? i never said a thing. i should have, don't know why i didn't. and that shit you were slinging on my guy today was so good. it. it was, and, excuse me, 'cause it isn't even my place to say it. it was admirable. it was the old stuff. hey, i've been on a hot streak, so what? there's things that i could learn from you. you eat today? yeah. well, you want to swing by the chinks, watch me eat, we'll talk? you're done, come down, and let's. and let's put this together. okay? shel? say okay. i'm going to the chinks. you're done, come down, we're going to smoke a cigarette. hey, hey, hey, easy friend. that's the "machine." that is shelly "the machine" lev. okay, okay, i'll be at the resta. williamson: listen to me: when the leads come in. listen to me: when the leads come in i want my top two off the list. for me. my usual two. anything you give levene. well i'm going to worry about it, and so are you, so shut up and listen. i get his action. my stuff is mine, whatever he gets for himself, i'm talking half. you put me in with him. you understand? do you understand? my stuff is mine, his stuff is ours. i'm taking half of his commissions-- now, you work it out. no. i don't know. no. I'll be at the restaurant.