shelly, you blew the last. you didn't close. shelly. what about the other two? four. you had four leads. one kicked out, one the judge, you say. no. no. i only. all that i'm saying. roma. moss. not lately it isn't. it isn't me. after the thirtieth. murray. i have. and my job is to marshal those leads. you're saying that i'm fucked. let me. let me. are you listening to me? let me tell you something, shelly. i do what i'm hired to do. i'm. wait a second. i'm hired to watch the leads. i'm given. hold on, i'm given a policy. my job is to do that. what i'm told. that's it. you, wait a second, anybody falls below a certain mark i'm not permitted to give them the premium leads. you know what those leads cost? murray said. murray said. will you please wait a second. shelly. please. murray told me: the hot leads. the. shelly? the hot leads are assigned according to the board. during the contest. period. anyone who beats fifty per. either way. you're out. yes. they kicked out. i can't do it, shelly. the leads are assigned randomly. apart from the top men on the contest board. you start closing again, you'll be on the board. i can't do it, shel. of what? what if you don't close? what if you don't? then i'm fucked. you see? then it's my job. that's what i'm telling you. not lately you can't. twenty percent. and fifty bucks a lead. what are we going to say? i'm not sure i have two. i've got roma. then i've got moss. alright. a hundred bucks. now. yes. when? i wish i could. can't do it. no. i can't do it, shelly. i have to go. i can't split them. because i say so. you want something off the b list? is that what you're saying? that's alright. who used to say that? they got. they didn't get your contract. i filed it before i left. they--excuse me. they didn't get the contracts. they got, listen to me. listen to me: they got some of them. they took some of the con. you closed him yesterday. it went down. i filed it. yes. i'm sure that we're insured, george. where are you going? aren't you going out today? i have the stuff from last year's. you want to go out today? i don't know, george, why? what? that's right. you want to go out today? if you don't want it, give it back. i'm giving you three leads. you. the word from murray is: leave them alone. if we need a new signature he'll go out himself, he'll be the president, just come in, from out of town. now, i'm giving you three. three. who? somebody broke in. the leads are coming. i talked to murray and mitch an hour ago. they're coming in, you understand they're a bit upset over this morning's. how could i tell 'em your sale? eh? i don't have a tel. i'll tell 'em your sale when they bring in the leads. alright? shelly. alright? we had a little. you closed a deal. you made a good sale. fine. look: i have a lot of things on my mind, they're coming in, alright, they're very upset, i'm trying to make some sense. the only thing remarkable is who you made it to. that if the sale sticks, it will be a miracle. i were you, i'd calm down, shelly. it's not impossible. shelly: get in the office. go to lunch, will you. the leads come in, i'll let. just go to lunch. go to lunch, george. will you take it outside, we have people trying to do business here. excuse me. will you get out of here. will you get out of here. will you. i'm trying to run an office here. will you go to lunch? go to lunch. will you go to lunch? yes. yes. please. please. the police can be. we had a slight burglary last night. mr. lingk. james lingk. your contract went out. nothing to. your contract went out to the bank. we. your check as cashed yesterday afternoon. and we're completely insured, as you know, in any case. i'm sure we can. mmm. yes. i hear you. mmm. you are? what are you trying to tell me? why i don't. excuse me. mmm. how do you know i made it up? how do you know i made it up? you said, "you don't make something up unless it's sure to help." how did you know that i made it up? i told the customer that his contracts had gone to the bank. no. it hadn't. well, i'm saying this, shel: usually i take the contracts to the bank. last night i didn't. how did you know that? one night in a year i left a contract on my desk. nobody knew that but you. now how did you know that? you want to talk to me, you want to talk to someone else. because this is my job. this is my job on the line, and you are going to talk to me. now how did you know that contract was on my desk? you robbed the office. what'd you do with the leads? you want to go in there? i tell him what i know, he's going to dig up something. you got an alibi last night? you better have one. what did you do with the leads? if you tell me what you did with the leads, we can talk. if you tell me where the leads are, i won't turn you in. if you don't, i am going to tell the cop you stole them, mitch and murray will see that you go to jail. believe me they will. now, what did you do with the leads? i'm walking in that door--you have five seconds to tell me: or you are going to jail. i don't care. you understand? where are the leads? alright. how much did you get for them? how much did you get for them? who kept the other half? that was easy, wasn't it? was it? uh-huh? mmm. i want to tell you something, shelly. you have a big mouth. you've got a big mouth, and now i'm going to show you an even bigger one. no, i don't think so, shel. no, i think i don't want your money. i think you fucked up my office. and i think you're going away. what sales? only the beginning. where have you been, shelly? bruce and harriet nyborg. do you want to see the memos? they're nuts. they used to call in every week. when i was with webb. and we were selling arizona. they're nuts. did you see how they were living? how can you delude yours. forget it. frame it. it's worthless. you stick around i'll pull the memo for you. i'm busy now. call up the bank. i called them. i called them when we had the lead. four months ago. the people are insane. they just like talking to salesmen. i'm sorry. because i don't like you. fuck you. i wouldn't worry about it. mmm.