damn good to meet you, rhonda. ronna. when i heard philly got snowed in, i thought we were fucked for sure. glad we found you. work work work. friday must be a busy night. hey. what can i get you to drink? ronna hun, we are fresh out of o.j. cerveza? now, zack tells me you got 20 at 20, is that right? maybe we could do this first. just wait here. keep it calm. everything all right in there? ronna, hun, do we got a deal here or not? c'mon, resourceful girl like you? i don't believe it. i just want to make a deal here, ronna. can we make a deal? you work out, don't you? no, you have a great body. hey! people in here! seems to me, if a guy's so concerned about the legal process, how come he finds himself getting busted for possession? relax. i sign your form and the whole thing goes away. your lawyer got you a good deal. tell them what your girlfriend does. they're not even married and she does nothing. my wife -- we've been married two years -- she still takes overtime three nights a week. you guys got girlfriends? what am i saying? you gotta lot of girlfriends don't you? you got women sending you their panties. two good- looking guys. what do you say? if i was not a happily married man i would be rubbing up against you to get some of that. some of the pussy power. how about you? this is a crime. you two should be out getting laid. that's good. i'm getting him. so, zack. what does your girlfriend look like? hot. she faithful? you faithful? zack's girlfriend is fucking around on him. what, red socks, blue socks? you hear that? we got john sherlock holmes in the car here. this chick. ronna. you think she can score? then that's all we need. it's all connected. the circle of life. now they're both going. what's up with that? we try to bring her over. see, we arrest her and then what? one crack whore off the street. so we cut her a deal. she helps us get this guy. we cut him a deal. he helps us get the guy above him. it's just like what happened with you. exactly. if she's making this deal, she's a dealer. doesn't matter if its her first or her last. cerveza? now, zack tells me you got 20 at 20, is that right? now watch what i do with his wrist. i twist it away while i put on the second cuff. that way he can't go after me. he doesn't have any leverage. i watch all these cop shows and they never do it right. pisses me off. hey, feel the abs on this one. you could scrub laundry on these. what? you did your part. now that he's gone, there's something i wanted to ask you guys about. sort of a proposition. see, my wife and i -- irene, she's my wife -- we're both working on christmas so we're gonna have christmas dinner tonight. and i was thinking, maybe you guys would want to come over, eat some dinner with us. my wife is great, you'll love her, then i'll sign your form. how does that sound? no, stay for a sec. smell this. what does it smell like? ck one. but it's not. i get this for a quarter what that stuff costs. here. it's down. so is the liner. get on. did you hear that? exactly. individually wrapped springs. top quality. i could be doing aerobics over here and you wouldn't feel it. so, zack. would you say you're open to new things? honey, red or white? more wine? if you gotta go, then i understand. but irene and i sort of had an ulterior motive inviting you here. she's right. okay, you've looked around our place. where do you think we got most of this stuff? it's actually from confederated products. almost everything in this house is from confederated products, from the toilet paper to the mattress to those candles. even that cologne you liked. see, confederated products is a multi- level direct wholesaling company. that means we don't just sell the products ourselves, we also recruit and manage teams who work under us. irene and i started eight months ago and we're already bringing in fifty thousand a year in revenues. now, as law enforcement officers, irene and i can't recruit distributors from inside the force. it's against the rules and we'd get fired. so what we do is look for people in other industries. confederated products. it's a different company, different quality of product.