dude, you passed out before we left l.a. was it hard or soft? do you remember if it was a colored lens? that she used to have two blue eyes and now she had one blue and one brown? it matters because it happened to me. it was my story. i told this story about a year ago. the difference was, i knew those small-but-important details. that, and it was true. whatever? what nigger? this nigger? so you say, yet we have never seen a picture of this ebonic woman. if you were any less black, you would be clear. look at your skin. thank you rhythm nation. she's a nutritionist. she also teaches a class at this college. tantric sexuality for couples. you shouldn't eat shrimp. it's loaded with iodine. thing is, most people really don't know how to make love. they just put it in and move it around until they get off. what tantra teaches you is how to prolong and deepen the experience, bring it to a higher level. if one man in ten were having the sex i'm having, there would be no war. fourteen hours. not once. you redirect the orgasm inside. swear to god. and i do mean allah. i haven't ejaculated in six months. anyone can do it. all it takes is discipline. todd gaines. the drug dealer. he's the good drug dealer. i get confused. did i tell you not to eat the shrimp? this is our room. no. where's your money? we've been here five minutes. let me see your wallet. you can have it back in an hour. no, no. no buts. one hour, right here. i am not a bathroom attendant! fuck yeah. get in. get in the car. get in. no. never. redirect the energy, but you never hold it in. haven't you ever gotten blue balls? hurts like a bitch. exactly. see if there's a map. don't point it at me! first, you stop pointing it at me. floor. floor! great, put it back. hold the wheel. it's a nine millimeter. it doesn't have stopping power. eagle. the n-r-a. the e.r.a. was this chick thing in the `70s. yes. listen up. they're going to ask if you want buy a bottle of champagne. you don't, but don't say that right off. champagne means you want a private dance. you can't afford it, neither can i. but if they know we're not biting, they don't even dangle the bait. nothing. we have one word, champagne. you can order anything you want, anything, as long as it's not champagne. yes. yo. yo! he fucked up, he lost control. we're leaving. enough! stop kicking him. i said to fucking stop kicking him. i'm not trying to throw down here. i don't want to try. oh, man. fuck. what are you doing? it has your fingerprints on it. it's probably orange county asking where the hell his car is. get the gun. go. find it. all right, listen up. we're leaving in 30 seconds. grab what you can. just do it. now! if you let them in here, they will kill you. understood? they're right behind us. cop. cop! it's their town. i'm sure they have people. we have to get off the major streets. take a right up here. no, not here! shit. we can't make it! stop! fuck mexico. we're going home. to l.a.