paper or plastic? paper or plastic? paper or plastic? they're at the bottom. in red. where it says, double coupons. look how far it got you. no. answer's still no. one of the three. okay, simon. in case you haven't heard the buzz, the scoop, the word on the street, i'm getting evicted. tomorrow. so pardon me if i'm not in a holly-jolly mood right now. three eighty. more than i got. serious? * deal. burt lancaster. can you drive? i love the beast. he's not dead yet. lee marvin. shit! m. m. mmmmmmmmalcolm x. he's famous, he's dead. that's not my problem. this is bullshit. i am not working the * fucking register. x. x. there is one. i know i thought of one before. i am. what? that wasn't it. i never heard of fucking "xerxes." he went to vegas for the weekend. scurvy? doughnuts, aisle four. how much? you're overpaying. mary xmas supafest. gimme a number. let me see what i can do. so do you want the o.j. or not? i don't need simon. i'm going to todd. ok, listen up. if simon were here -- which he's not -- he would charge fifteen, when i know he gets it for ten. both of you chill the fuck out. it's just once. when simon gets back, we can still overpay for quarters if it makes you feel all warm and happy. but this is my deal, so just sit back and watch. todd! it's ronna martin. you know me through simon. can i come up? todd? i didn't wake you up, did i? i keep him honest. i need a favor. twenty hits of ecstacy. todd, i would never fuck you like that. there's this big christmas party thing. warehouse, you know. a bunch of us are doing sort of a pre-party thing. no. swear to god. understood. fifteen? i was thinking more like ten. it's just that i know you charge simon ten. here's the deal. there's 20 of us. i need all of this. but i only have two hundred. i mean, that's all i have. no, hear me out. this two-hundred is like a downpayment. you give me the stuff, i get the extra hundred from them, then i come right back and pay you. i could leave something with you. collateral. claire, could you come up with me for a sec? forty-five minutes. hour, tops. you just have to sit there. jesus, claire. don't get 818 on me here. how much shit have i done for you? this is nothing. claire. that bracelet of mine you're wearing is an accessory. you are just some chick who's sitting in an apartment. that's it. okay, no bullshit. i need this. i don't get this money, i get evicted. my ass is out the street. no, claire. i don't have anyone else to go to. i am coming to you and i am asking for your help. please. help me. we'll be back by eight, i promise. i'm a top-seeded amateur. ronna. that was just a friend. some of that orange juice would be great. you got a bathroom? you're fine. you're fine. fine. standing with her beer, cool as an eskimo. all yours. no. no, see we don't. that's what i came here to tell you. i couldn't get anything. it's true. who the fuck are you? monty hall? did you know i'm only 17? i probably shouldn't be drinking this beer, should i? being so underage and all. i think it was simon they were after. he deals all the time out of the store. i mean, he makes change out of the fucking register. they were fishing. i bit. it's claire. she paged me while i was in there. we can't. they're gone. i flushed them. think of something. i need a hundred bucks or 20 hits of x. what?! you took one, didn't you? fuck you, mannie! how could you do this to me? i need you now. drive. just drive. i have an idea. were they round or oval? a or b? you're sure? stop fucking paging me, claire! don't say anything. and try not to look so stoned. todd, i'm trying to explain what happened. they had already gotten stuff from somewhere else. it was just a case of miscommunication, i thought. that's fine. todd, i'm really sorry about all this. and here i thought you just gave me head. pin me. hi. i'm kelly, and this is donna. we were wondering if you might want to hang out. it's really smooth, isn't it? donna's brother is a pharmacist. he got it for us. and you know what makes it even better? if you smoke a lot of pot. i mean a lot of it. we're out of that. we're down to chewable aspirin. show me your tits. four hundred. who had her own groove going. she shoves him back into the wheel, a foot on his ass. what's wrong? mannie? jesus. you're burning up. listen to me. we're going to find claire and get out of here. sweetheart. mannie. i'm going to leave you here. i'm going to get the car and come back for you. i can't carry you! mannie, just hide here. just like a little mouse, okay? you're going to be fine. ain't nobody leaving. todd, i can explain. it's not what it looks like. i mean, it sort of is, but it's complicated. i know i fucked up, but i can make it up to you. please, todd. i have the cash. i have more than i owe you. mannie!! mannie, i got it! i remembered who the fuck it was! perry farrell's dead girlfriend. xiola blue. x-i-o-l-a. fuck, i knew there was one. don't you get it? i win. are you serious? you got a bathroom? hey. okay, real mature. claire. alright. mistakes were made. things didn't go exactly as planned. using you? you use me. come on, if it weren't for me, you would be sitting home every night eating popcorn and watching reruns of 90210. that is such bullshit. mannie does not feel that way. ask him. ask him! where is he? he drove you here, didn't he? oh shit. shit! mannie? mannie? mannie! can you hear me? you fucked todd gaines? made out? hello! he's a drug dealer. you might have brain damage from overdosing. you shit. and twenty left over. maybe i'll open a savings account. merry christmas, mannie. 116: