why not? ronna? i haven't asked you yet. are you menstrual? pre-menstrual, post- menstrual? ronna, they wouldn't evict you at christmas. you'd be ho-ho-homeless. is that why all the overtime? how much do you owe? that's nothing. i'll give you twenty right now for a blowjob. handjob? ronna, do you want my shift? i haven't punched in yet. * she only half-believes him. simon's not prone to benevolence. ronna? are you certain i couldn't have a blowjob? no, no. donde miguel? * claire leans against the wall beside him, skeptical but amused. she turns a box of cookies over in her hands, reading the ingredients. jalisco? where is jalisco? ronna, do you want my shift? i haven't punched in yet. * she only half-believes him. shit. shit! fucking let me out of here! stop. so what does valentina do? what class? what's the longest you and her ever did it? fourteen hours, you didn't go once. not even at the end? bullshit. he gets a discount. he let me use it. he's a good guy. we'll pay cash anyway. this is just to get the room. could you answer a question. . rachel? hypothetically, do you think a man could make love to a woman for 14 hours without ever achieving climax? no. not necessary. lesbian. todd, it's simon. what's up?. i'm in vegas, we just got here. what was the name of the place you said we should go. the crazy horse. what are you doing tonight? you're going to a wedding?. what is it, a rave? no, i know claire. are you going to fuck her? raping small children. did i mention how much i like your jacket? there's a reason. let me borrow some money. i lost it i was playing this game at a hundred dollar table and i didn't understand it, but now i do. i think i figured out how to beat it. they already knew each utter, but marcus i met in traffic school. i'm a good driver, i am. i learned everything from american television. hunter, magnum p.i. -- the knight rider is an excellent program. you're beautiful. tantra, baby. hey. we're leaving. question. when you're doing tantra, you hold it in at the end, right? sort of a dull ache. orange county. holy shit. how do i know if it's loaded? i've never held a real gun before. it's heavier than i thought. i want to know if it's loaded. how do i hold ten men's lives in my hand. right. for that you'd need magnum force. this is why i came here. this is america. i'm serious. you want to take one symbol for all of america, it's not the flag or the hawk. or the automobile. america is about a man and a gun. you're certain? chicks with guns? explain. so, "champagne" is a code. what does vodka mean? i'd like to buy your most expensive bottle of champagne. crystal. everybody back the fuck away. is there another way out? getting rid of the weapon. oh shit. do we answer? it's a cell phone. they can trace where we are even if we don't answer. give him the money. i got `em. how did they find us? hold on. we can be in mexico by noon. i say we split up from there. i'll take baja. why not? todd, listen, i need hide out here. you * won't believe the shit we got into in. * he sees victor. he immediately reaches for his gun, but * it's all flesh here, it should be okay. right, great. who is it? jesus, todd. thank god. you won't believe the shit i've been through.