mo'fuckin jack-in-the-box. pop! goes the asshole. so this chick, she's bobbing up and down on my dick like she's fucking marilyn chambers. then she starts going around the ouside-- you know, painting the tree--when whack! it hits her in the eye. and her contact, it's like stuck on my dick. her contact lens. it's stuck on the end of my dick. what, my dick? what the fuck does that matter? oh. whatever. whatever. yo, pull your stinky dinky out of my ass. i was just trying to make conversation. fuck. give a nigger a break. my mother's mother's mother was black. i see black because i know i am. color is a state of mind. man, i taught myself. this shit is expensive. you're paying five bucks for lettuce and seeds and shit. how many times you shoot? six months! you are some kind of obi wan kenobi motherfucker. i ain't your bitch. kill yourself. what the fuck? you got some pubic hair yet? where is your mom at? i'm kicking your ass if you knock again. yo! mmmhmm. room 875. some shit, i dunno. what the fuck? hey. kid. kid. open up the door. look, i'm really sorry, you know? it's just, it would be really swell if you would open this door. now. it's kind of an emergency. fuck! open now! fuck! who? mother of fuck! you had sex with two women?