say. ronna. you don't know where we could get something to go with this orange juice, do you? but then you get the weird taste in your mouth. i was thinking something a little more euphoric. the british guy usually hooks us up. twenty at twenty. we're desperate. a bunch of us are going to this party tonight, this warehouse thing. and we had planned this kinda pre-party. only there's 20 of us, it's like all or nothing. a friend was supposed to get the stuff in chicago, but now he's snowed in. so if you could help us out here. kick ass. so this party tonight sounds like it's gonna be huge. that would be a synonym for huge. and i appreciate that. let me show you. don't forget, detective. i was cleared of all charges. just so we're clear. whether you get something on this guy or not, adam and i are done today. finished. charges dropped. that's how it works, right? what? i smell a pilot. same. about five-eight, brown hair, blue eyes. yeah. no. i don't think so. not anymore. it's no big. i don't really want to get into it. i found socks. white socks. you know how the good kind of socks have band around the ankle that keeps them from stretching out? when i moved in, every one of the socks had that. suddenly, there was one sock that didn't. only after i found out. no, adam. i do not. i have suspicions. mostly former boyfriends who keep calling. isn't it ironic. we're going to ask. you're going to ask. you look more wholesome. just improv. nobody. i'm giving you an opening. probably. so if she gets the stuff, what, you arrest her? so, sooner or later, everybody's working for the man. what if she isn't really a dealer though? if you just pulled her into this one thing, wouldn't that be entrapment? let me show you. go. we're done, now, right? that's what we talked about. whether or not the deal went through, we just had to do our part. great. well, hey. a pleasure. actually, you know, i had plans. i do. yes, adam, in fact. with my girlfriend. sorry. really. it's nice. it is soft. that's okay. hear what? i sure wouldn't. no. he doesn't want any more. unless he does, do you? this has been great, just wonderful, but we're going to need to leave. soon. adam's not feeling well. j.c. penney's? wait. you want us to sell amway. i need to do something terrifically unwholesome. i need to bathe in sin. i have cheated on you with exactly one guy. who? i'll tell you mine. why not? i don't. count of three. jimmy. jimmy. we know. mary xmas supafest. okay, i just have to say this. the thing is, about jimmy, he wasn't even that good. mediocre at best. and the sounds he made, god. it was like having sex with nell. somewhere off greenland, hunchback whales were beaching themselves. the only thing i will give him credit for is the oral. when was that? early october. and he suddenly got so much better. right. this right. this right! that was the right you wanted. what the fuck! oh my god. ronna. go. go. go! go! let's think about it logically. either she's alive, or she's dead. if she's dead, then there's nothing we can do. if she's alive, then the guy with the gun, who seemed to want to shoot her, probably did shoot her. exactly. on the plus side, the only witnesses are you, me and him. and none of us are going to want to be talking about it. so if you really think about it, it didn't turn out as badly as it could have. i didn't say it went perfectly. holy sh. they wouldn't have been listening all this time. what if we were just running lines? for a scene? there's a pretty good chance no one's found her yet. no. listen. if there's no body, there's no crime. stop. okay, stop! it's a miata. we'll put her in the passenger seat. in the passenger seat. holding her up. little help? what do you mean? okay, listen to me. she's not dead. no you didn't, okay? this is all just make-believe. this is a scene. she's just acting dead. and you're just acting scared. see, there's the lights, and there's the camera. watch your blocking. there's michelle in wardrobe, say "hi, michelle!" the craft service truck is right around the corner, and they have lots of little veggie burgers on the grill. and you can have one if you just help me finish this scene. can you smell them? can you smell them on the grill? then take her fucking arms! no shit! she's almost dead. we leave her and she dies, why did we bother coming back? i mean, you still killed her. christ, i didn't mean it that way. c'mon. i would never testify against you. we have to stick with plan a. okay. new plan. look, she's fine. they're getting an ambulance. she's fine. okay, listen. girl in ditch -- that's our problem. girl out of ditch -- that's her own problem. we're done. we did the right thing. okay, approximately the right thing. in a half-assed, thrown-together fashion. home? i'm not the man you're looking for. don't forget, detective. i was cleared of all charges.