paulie. wine. wine. what are you, a dance judge? go do your job; take a walk around the neighborhood. see everything is okay. you heard about your father? the word is out in the streets that he's dead. paulie's been a little sick all winter. he was home. maybe three, four times. i always asked freddie if he wanted another bodyguard, but he said no. things have been so smooth the last ten years. that's all? don't you want me to send some people over here? your mother's at the hospital with the old man: he's gonna pull through. i tol' you to stay put, paulie. outside. understood. a sicilian message: luca brasi sleeps with the fishes. crazy detroit delivered it with a wooden bumper. they're going to send me the chrome bumpers in a couple months. i waited two years for this car to come with wooden bumpers! today you make your bones on paulie. you understand everything? 22 soft-nosed load. accurate up to five feet. goddamn sonny. he's running scared. he's already thinking of going to the mattresses. we have to find a place on the west side. paulie, you know a good location? drive while you thinking; i wanna get to the city this month! pay attention! ok, go to arthur avenue; i'm suppose to call when i found somethin'. you wait; i'll call. he talked my ear off. want us to go back to long beach; have another job for us. rocco, you live in the city, can we drop you off? ok, then you gotta come back. maybe, or you gotta know now. paulie, pull over. i gotta take a leak. leave the gun. mike. hey mikey; telephone. some dame. how come you don't tell that nice girl you love her. here, learn something. you may have to feed fifty guys some day. you start with olive oil. fry some garlic, see. and then fry some sausage. or meat balls if you like. then you throw in the tomatoes, the tomato paste. some basil; and a little red wine. that's my trick. you won't see paulie anymore. he's sick for good this winter. sollozzo knows mike's a civilian. how come all the new men? it's as cold as they come, impossible to trace. don't worry about prints mike, i put a special tape on the trigger and butt. here. whatsamatter? trigger too tight. i left it noisy, so it'll scare any pain-in-the-neck innocent bystander away. just let your hand drop to your side, and let the gun slip out. everybody will still think you got it. they'll be starin' at your face, see? then walk out of the place real fast, but don't run. don't look anybody directly in the eye, but don't look away from them neither. hey, they'll be scared stiff o you, believe me. nobody's gonna bother with you. don't worry about nothing; you'd be surprised how good these things go. o.k., put your hat on, let's see how you look. helps with identification. mostly it gives witnesses an excuse to change their identification when we make them see the light. then you take a long vacation and we catch the hell. probably all the other families will line up against us. but, it's alright. these things have to happen once every ten years or so. gets rid of the bad blood. you gotta stop 'em at the beginning. like they shoulda stopped hitler at munich, they shoulda never let him get away with that, they were just asking for big trouble. it's okay. the hostage is outside playing pinochle with three of my men. mike, they're gonna frisk you in the car. you'll be clean so they won't worry 'bout nothing. in the restaurant, wait and talk a while, and then ask permission to go. see? then when you come out, don't waste time; don't sit down. you come out blasting. and don't take chances. in the head, two shots apiece. and out as fast as your legs can move. the gun will be there. we gotta move. we gotta fight sometime. let us at least recruit our regimes to full strength. don corleone. don corleone. you said there would come a day when tessio and me could form our own families. only with your benediction, of course. i ask permission. then in a six month time we're on our own; is that it? and i don't like barzini. i say the corleone family has to move from strength, not weakness. we should build our regimes and take back our lost territories in staten island, at least. yes, godfather. don corleone.