bonasera, we know each other for years, but this is the first time you come to me for help. i don't remember the last time you invited me to your house for coffee. even though our wives are friends. and what is that bonasera? no. you ask for too much. the court gave you justice. but your daughter is still alive. you never think to protect yourself with real friends. you think it's enough to be an american. all right, the police protects you, there are courts of law, so you don't need a friend like me. but now you come to me and say don corleone, you must give me justice. and you don't ask in respect or friendship. and you don't think to call me godfather; instead you come to my house on the day my daughter is to be married and you ask me to do murder. for money. then take the justice from the judge, the bitter with the sweet, bonasera. but if you come to me with your friendship, your loyalty, then your enemies become my enemies, and then, believe me, they would fear you. good. from me you'll get justice. some day, and that day may never come, i would like to call upon you to do me a service in return. where's michael? then the picture will wait for him. nazorine, my friend, tell me what i can do. you want him to stay in this country. tom, what we need is an act of congress to allow enzo to become a citizen. not to one of our paisans. give it to a jew congressman in another district. who else is on the list for today? is it necessary? thank you, luca, my most valued friend. i'm sure it's the most generous gift today. and with prison record. when did he call? on a day like this. consiglero, do you also have in your notes the the turk made his living from prostitution before the war, like the tattaglias do now. write that down before you forget it. the turk will wait. what that? it sounds like johnny. it is johnny. he came all the way from california to be at the wedding. no. let the people enjoy him. you see? he is a good godson. my godson has come three thousand miles to do us honor and no one thinks to wet his throat. can i do something for you still? you're not too rich, or too famous that i can't help you? tell santino to come in with us. he should hear some things. act like a man! by christ in heaven, is it possible you turned out no better than a hollywood finocchio. all right, hollywood. now tell me about this hollywood pezzonovanta who won't let you work. you take care of your family? you look terrible. i want you to eat well, to rest. and spend time with your family. and then, at the end of the month, this big shot will give you the part you want. i'll make him an offer he can't refuse. now go back to the party and leave it to me. when does my daughter leave with her bridegroom? no, give him a living. but never let him know the family's business. what else, tom? genco will wait for me. santino, tell your brothers they will come with me to the hospital to see genco. tell fredo to drive the big car, and ask johnny to come with us. all my sons. tom, i want you to go to california tonight. make the arrangements. but don't leave until i come back from the hospital and speak to you. understood? will your girl friend get back to the city all right? what was this for? and this? what miracles you do for strangers. and now, what do you choose to do? good. when you are finished, come and talk to me. i have hopes for you. genco, i've brought my sons to pay their respects. and look, even johnny fontane, all the way from hollywood. i have no such power. but genco, don't fear death. you blaspheme. resign yourself. luca, i am worried about this man sollozzo. find out what you can, through the tattaglias. let them believe you could be tempted away from the corleone family, if the right offer was made. learn what he has under his fingernails. remember my new consigliere, a lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns. why do you come to me? why do i deserve your generosity? what percentages for my family? and what is the percentage of the tattaglia family? so. i receive 30 per cent just for finance and legal protection. no worries about operations, is that what you tell me? i said i would see you because i've heard you're a serious man, to be treated with respect. but i'll say no to you. i'll give you my reasons. i have many, many friends in politics. but they wouldn't be so friendly if my business was narcotics instead of gambling. they think gambling is something like liquor, a harmless vice. and they think narcotics is dirty business. no. how a man makes his living is none of my business. but this proposition of yours is too risky. all the people in my family lived well the last ten years, i won't risk that out of greed. no. young people are greedy, and they have no manners. they speak when they should listen. but i have a sentimental weakness for my children, and i've spoiled them, as you see. but signor sollozzo, my no is final. santino, never let anyone outside the family know what you are thinking. i think your brain is going soft from all that comedy you play with that young girl. what is this nonsense? send johnny my congratulations. tell paulie to get the car from the lot; i'll be ready to go home in a few minutes. that's the third time this month. i think maybe you'd better get a healthier bodyguard for me. tell tom. merry christmas. fredo, fredo! well my friend, are you ready to do me this service? i want you to use all your powers, all your skill, as you love me. i do not want his mother to see him as he is. give me a drop of anisette. my wife was weeping before she fell asleep, outside my window i saw my caporegimes to the house, and it is midnight. so, consigliere of mine, i think you should tell your don what everyone knows. but you needed a drink first. now you've had your drink. i want no inquiries made. no acts of vengeance. consigliere, arrange a meeting with the heads of the five families. this war stops now. call bonasera. he will do me a service. i want to thank you all for coming. i consider it a service done to me personally and i am in the debt of each and every one of you. especially those of you who have traveled from such distances as california, st. louis, kansas city; and new orleans. ah well, let's get down to business. we are all honorable men here, we don't have to give assurances as if we were lawyers. how did things ever go so far? well, no matter. a lot of foolishness has come to pass. it was so unfortunate, so unnecessary. tattaglia has lost a son; i have lost a son. we are quits. let there be a peace. that is all i want. my friends, i didn't refuse out of malice. you all know me. when have i ever refused an accommodation? but why, this time? because i think this drug business will destroy us in the years to come. it's not like whiskey or gambling or even women which most people want and is forbidden them by the pezzonovante of the church and the government. but drugs? no. even policemen, who help us in gambling and other things would refuse to help us in drugs. but. i am willing to do whatever all of you think is necessary. i forego my vengeance for my dead son, for the common good. but i have selfish reasons. my youngest son had to flee, accused of sollozzo's murder, and i must now make arrangements so that he can come home with safety, cleared of all those false charges. that is my affair, and i will make those arrangements. but i am a superstitious man. and so if some unlucky accident should befall my youngest son, if some police officer should accidentally shoot him, or if he should hang himself in his cell, or if my son is struck by a bolt of lightning, then i will blame some of the people here. that, i could never forgive, but. aside from that, let me swear by the souls of my grandchildren that i will never be the one to break the peace we have made. mention it, don't insist. barzini is a man who will know that without being told. barzini. tattaglia is a pimp. he could never have outfought santino. but i wasn't sure until this day. no, it was barzini all along. be my son. this old building has seen its day. no way to do business. too small, too old. have you thought about a wife? a family? i understand, michael. but you must make a family, you know. accept what's happened, michael. no, i wanted other things for you. yes, but sons who would be professors, scientists, musicians. and grandchildren who could be, who knows, a governor, a president even, nothing's impossible here in america. you are like me, we refuse to be fools, to be puppets dancing on a string pulled by other men. i hoped the time for guns and killing and massacres was over. that was my misfortune. that was your misfortune. i was hunted on the streets of corleone when i was twelve years old because of who my father was. i had no choice. what else do you believe in? believe in a family. can you believe in your country? those pezzonovante of the state who decide what we shall do with our lives? who declare wars they wish us to fight in to protect what they own. do you put your fate in the hands of men whose only talent is that they tricked a bloc of people to vote for them? michael, in five years the corleone family can be completely legitimate. very difficult things have to happen to make that possible. i can't do them anymore, but you can, if you choose to. believe in a family; believe in a code of honor, older and higher, believe in roots that go back thousands of years into your race. make a family, michael, and protect it. these are our affairs, sono cosa nostra, governments only protect men who have their own individual power. be one of those men. you have the choice. my son is head of the family now. if you have his permission, you have my good will. do you have faith in my judgement? then do what michael says. i told you that it wouldn't escape his eye. tom, i never thought you were a bad consigliere, i thought santino a bad don, rest in peace. he had a good heart but he wasn't the right man to head the family when i had my misfortune. michael has all my confidence, as you do. for reasons which you can't know, you must have no part in what will happen. i see you have your luca brasi. there are men in this world who demand to be killed. they argue in gambling games; they jump out of their cars in a rage if someone so much as scratches their fender. these people wander through the streets calling out "kill me, kill me." luca brasi was like that. and since he wasn't scared of death, and in fact, looked for it. i made him my weapon. because i was the only person in the world that he truly hoped would not kill him. i think you have done the same with this man. barzini will move against you first. he will get in touch with you through someone you absolutely trust. that person will arrange a meeting, guarantee your safety. and at that meeting you will be assassinated. your wife and children. you're happy with them? good. and i. you.