michael, why must you do this. we have been lucky so far, all these months you've been here we've kept your name a secret. it is from love for your father that i've asked you never to more than an hour from the villa. you must understand that your father's enemies have friends in palermo. where are you going? there is nothing there. not anymore. long ago. now there is nothing: the men killed each other in family vendettas. the others escaped to america. that is your birthright. but michael, use this car. be careful michael, don't let them know your name. the younger men have no respect. things are changing; i don't know what will happen. michael, because of the wedding, people now know your name. even so, i don't think it is safe here anymore. i've made plans to move you to a villa near siracuse. you must go right away. bad news from america. your brother, santino. he has been killed.