it will cost. who do i give this job to? francesco nippi. his nephew has been refused parole. a bad case. his father worked with you in the freight yards when you were young. he's not on the list, but luca brasi wants to see you. you understand him better than anyone. hello kay. your father's inside, doing some business. he's been asking for you. the senator called--apologized for not coming personally, but said you'd understand. also, some of the judges. they've all sent gifts. and another call from virgil sollozzo. the action is narcotics. sollozzo has contacts in turkey for the poppy, in sicily for the plants to process down to morphine or up to heroin. also he has access to this country. he's coming to us for financial help, and some sort of immunity from the law. for that we get a piece of the action, i couldn't find out how much. sollozzo is vouched for by the tattaglia family, and they may have a piece of the action. they call sollozzo the turk. he's spent a lot of time in turkey and is suppose to have a turkish wife and kids. he's suppose to be very quick with the knife, or was, when he was younger. only in matters of business and with some reasonable complaint. also he has an american wife and three children and he is a good family man. he's his own boss, and very competent. two terms; one in italy, one in the united states. he's known to the government as a top narcotics man. that could be a plus for us; he could never get immunity to testify. this morning. should i bring him in. it's been two years. he's probably in trouble again. sonny? sonny? sonny, you in there? the old man wants you; johnny's here. he's got a problem. they'll cut the cake in a few minutes. leave right after that. your new son-in-law, do we give him something important? i've called the hospital; they've notified consiglere genco's family to come and wait. he won't last out the night. understood. mr. corleone is johnny's godfather. that is very close, a very sacred religious relationship. he never asks a second favor when he has been refused the first. understood? i'm german-irish. it's from johnny. it was announced this morning. he's going to play the lead in the new woltz brothers film. sure. anything i can do for you. right. michael called; he's not leaving new hampshire until tomorrow morning. i've got to go, i promised theresa i'd pick up some toys for the kids. i haven't got time. sonny will come after you with everything he's got. even sonny won't be able to call off luca brasi. i'll try. it's what the don would want us to do. if i plead before the supreme court, i'll never do better than i did tonight with that turk. is the hospital covered? too much, too far, too personal. the don would consider this all purely a business dispute: get rid of sollozzo, and everything falls in line. you don't have to go after the tattaglias. what about luca? sollozzo didn't seem worried about luca. that worries me. has anyone been able to get in touch with him? luca never sleeps over with a broad. he always goes home when he's through. mike, keep ringing luca's number. keep trying every fifteen minutes. without your father's political contacts and personal influence, the corleone family loses half its strength. without your father, the other new york families might wind up supporting sollozzo, and the tattaglias just to make sure there isn't a long destructive war. the old days are over, this is 1946; nobody wants bloodshed anymore. if your father dies. make the deal, sonny. i was as good a son to him as you or mike. we're all tired. maybe mike shouldn't get mixed up in this so directly. you know the old man doesn't want that. was there a definite proposal? what about that tattaglias? what will they do about bruno? we should hear what they have to say. the other families won't sit still for all out war. come on sonny, your father wouldn't want to hear this. this is not a personal thing, this is business. yes, even the shooting of your father was business, not personal. i found out about this captain mccluskey who broke mike's jaw. he's definitely on sollozzo's payroll, and for big money. mccluskey's agreed to be the turk's bodyguard. what you have to understand is that while sollozzo is guarded like this, he's invulnerable. nobody has ever gunned down a new york police captain. never. it would be disastrous. all the five families would come after you sonny; the corleone family would be outcasts; even the old man's political protection would run for cover. so just. take that into consideration. what about mccluskey? we don't let mike go until we have the hostage, sonny. no. our informer in mccluskey's precinct. tonight at 8:00 he signed out for louis' restaurant in the bronx. anyone know it. jesus, i don't know. kay, we weren't expecting you. you should call. nobody knows where he is. we know he's all right, but that's all. an accident. no one was hurt. sure. i'm sorry. if i accept that letter and you told a court of law i accepted it, they would interpret it as my having knowledge of his whereabouts. just wait kay, he'll contact you. mama, no. since mccluskey's killing, the police have cracked down on most of our operations. on the other families too. there's been a lot of bad blood. we put out a lot of material through our contacts in the newspapers. about mccluskey's being tied up with sollozzo in the drug rackets. things are starting to loosen up. michael. it was michael who killed sollozzo. he's safe now. we're already working on ways to bring him back. you start operating, the five families will start their raids again. we're at a stalemate sonny, your war is costing us a lot of money. yes. that's true, you're getting a hell of a reputation. go after him. this is tom hagen. i'm calling for don corleone, at his request. you owe the don a service. in one hour, not before, perhaps later, he will be at your funeral parlor to ask for your help. be there to greet him. if you have any objections speak now, and i'll inform him. good. he never doubted you. yes. ok. go to clemenza's house and tell him to come here right away. he'll tell you what to do. i didn't tell mama anything. i was about to come up and wake you and tell you. just now. yes. they shot sonny on the causeway. he's dead. this is tom hagen; i'm calling for don corleone, at his request. you owe the don a service. he has no doubt that you will repay it. when i meet with tattaglia's people; should i insist that all his drug middle-men be clean? you mean tattaglia. he was the one behind sollozzo? mike, why are you cutting me out of the action? i'm not talking about that. i'm talking about rocco lampone building a secret regime. why does neri report directly to you, rather than through me or a caporegime? bookkeepers know everything. rocco's men are all a little too good for the jobs they're supposed to be doing. they get a little more money than the job's worth. lampone's a good man; he's operating perfectly. mike, why am i out? ok, but then i agree with tessio. you're going about it all wrong; you're making the move out of weakness. barzini's a wolf, and if he tears you apart, the other families won't come running to help the corleones. maybe i can help. did he give you his politicians? how will they come at you? have you agreed on a meeting? you'd better make your call to barzini; michael's ready. i'm sure he will. i can't go with you either, tessio. he understands that. i can't.