mike, good to see you. got everything you want? the chef cooked for you special; the dancers will kick your tongue out and you credit is good! draw chips for all these people so they can play on the house. buy me out?. the corleone family wants to buy me out. i buy you out. you don't buy me out. you think i scam? you goddamn dagos. i do you a favor and take freddie in when you're having a bad time, and then you try to push me out. the corleone family don't have that kind of muscle anymore. the godfather is sick. you're getting chased out of new york by barzini and the other families, and you think you can find easier pickings here. i've talked to barzini; i can make a deal with him and keep my hotel! yeah sure. sometimes i gotta kick asses to make this place run right. freddie and i had a little argument and i had to straighten him out. hell, he was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time. players couldn't get a drink. you son of a bitch, you think you can brush me off like that? i made my bones when you were going out with cheerleaders.