because you protested, it will cost a hundred more. buon giorno. ahhh, young fellow. people tell me you're rich, you and your two friends. yet, you don't show enough respect to send a few dresses to my home. you know i have three daughters. this is my neighborhood. you and your friends have to show me a little respect, ah? this truck you hijacked was in my neighborhood. you should let me wet my beak a little. i understand each of you cleared around six hundred dollars. i expect two hundred dollars for my protection and i'll forget the insult. after all, young people don't know the courtesies due a man like myself. otherwise the police will come to see you and your wife and children will be dishonored and destitute. of course, if my information as to your gains is incorrect, i'll dip my beak just a little. just a little, but no less than one hundred dollars, and don't try to deceive me, eh paisan? you tell your friends i expect them to let me wet my beak in the same manner. don't be afraid to tell them. clemenza and i know each other well, he understands these things. let yourself be guided by him. he has more experience in these matters. i understand. you're a good fellow. you have respect. a fine thing in the young. next time, speak to me first, eh? perhaps i can help you make your plans. i think there's only two hundred dollars under my hat. i'm right. only two hundred dollars. ah, you're a sharp young fellow. how is it i've never noticed you before you're too quiet for your own interest. i could find some work for you to do that would be very profitable. no hard feelings, eh? if i can ever do you a service let me know. you've done a good job for yourself tonight. what's the matter, signora? you don't say 'good evening'?