honey! wait a minute; let's go for a drive. yeah, but i don't want him to see you. goddamn bitch. listen, michael's got a lot of nice people here. friends of kay's. he'll never forgive me if you ruin his party. he's the head of the family. who's that? pentangeli? frankie "five-angels". thought you were never coming west. gee, frankie, it's good to see you. reminds me of old times. we were all upset about that. c'mon, i see what i can do. hey, mike. guess who's here? tell mike frankie 'five-angels' is here. a hundred years. it's a toast. dancing is alright; you're falling on the floor. deanna, i'm going to belt you right in the mouth! hey mike, what can i say? deanna, will you get back into the house! mike, what can i do, she's a hysterical woman. c'mon, you got fifteen minutes before the finale! i want to show you a trick with feathers. don't go away; wait a minute. yeah. okay. who? mikey? but. si. si, caposco. sure. how much? i understand. jesus, three million. i won't let you down. sure. yeah. some other time. mikey. how are you? hiya, freddie corleone. what a trip, jesus christ, the whole time i'm thinking what if someone knew what i got in here. oh, 'scuse me. oh. mikey, what's up? i'm totally in the dark. great, havana's great. lots of activity in havana! anybody i know here. five-angels? anybody? i never met them. no. no, i didn't. who tells me anything? i been kept in the dark so long, i'm getting used to it. that's what i'm here for. count on me; that's my specialty. me and you, great! gimme an hour to wash my face and do my research and we'll have these washington suckers right where you want 'em. poor frankie five-angels. he always wanted to die in bed. with a broad. does everyone know everyone, or nobody knows nobody. here, my brother, michael corleone. well, you know senator geary. this is senator payton from florida; judge demalco from new york. senator ream. mr. questadt from california, he's a lawyer with the price-control administration. and fred corngold of u t&t. gentlemen. your pleasure? cuba libres, pina coladas, you name it. later, later. all those girls look like they're on stilts! jeeze, it's great you came along, mike. you know, we've never spent a night out on the town together. i always thought you looked down on me for liking a good time. mike said let him gamble. mike, i got something special up my sleeve for these boys. you ever hear of "superman?" and i don't mean the comic book. wait'll you see! mikey, why would they ever hit poor old frankie five-angels? i loved that ole sonuvabitch. i remember when he was just a 'button,' when we were kids. we used to put bedsheets on our heads, you know, like we were ghosts. an' ole frankie come peek into our room, we'd jump up, and he'd always pretend like he was really scared. you remember? you? what do you mean you, i thought. you? what do you mean you, i thought. no. i mean, are you sure? me? no, no, i don't know anything. fellas! you're all falling asleep. we got to see superman. what's eating him? everyone stands. but it's worth it, watch! that's him; that's superman! that's why they call him superman. johnny ola told me about this; i didn't believe it. but seeing is believing. ole johnny knows all the places. i tol' you. can you believe it? the old man roth, would never come; but johnny knows these places like the back of his hand. you know her; drives me crazy, one minute she's a popsicle, the next she's all vinegar. sometimes i think. i think - i should a married someone, like you did. to have kids, to have a family. what's that? sincere. what are you talking about, of course i'm sincere with you, mike. mike, are you crazy, i'm your brother. who? but, you told me yourself. what do you want me to do? what is it? can i help? nowhere, mike. i wanted to get a refill. how about you? i don't have a lot to say, michael. i was kept pretty much in the dark. i didn't know all that much. i know they get pentangeli, that's all i know. i didn't know it was a hit. i swear to you i didn't know. johnny ola contacted me in beverly hills -- said he wanted to talk. he said you and roth were in on some big deal, and there was a place for me in it if i could help them out. they said you were being tough on the negotiation, and if they had a little bit of help, they could close it fast and it would be good for you. he said there was something good in it for me. me on my own. taken care of me. mike, you're my kid brother, and you take care of my. did you ever think of that. ever once? send fredo off to do this, send fredo to take care of that. take care of some little unimportant night club here, and there; pick somebody up at the airport. mike, i'm your older brother; i was stepped over! it wasn't the way i wanted it! i can handle things. i'm not dumb christ, not like everyone says. i'm smart; and i want respect. the lawyer; questadt, he belongs to roth. mikey? tom. where's mike? can i talk to him? christ, mike. jesus christ, mike. anthony, ole buddy, your uncle fredo's gonna teach you how to catch the big fish. you know, when i was a kid, i did this amazing thing. i went out on a fishing trip; me and my brothers and my pop, and no one could catch a fish except me. and this was my secret: every time i would put the line down i would say a "hail mary" and every time i said a "hail mary" i would catch a fish. now, when it's sunset, we're gonna go out on the lake, and we're gonna try it. here we go; and remember the secret. he's here; we're goin' fishing. ah. okay, kid, you got to go to reno with your pop. i'll catch one for you, with the secret. the lord is with thee. blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, jesus. holy mary, mother of god, pray for us.