come on, you've got to see her! the black hand. let's get out of here. i know what you are thinking, vitone, but you don't understand yet how things are. fanucci is of the black hand. everyone in the neighborhood pays him, even my father. a pig of a neaponitan. because he knows them; he knows they have no one to protect them. vitone? what do you think of my angel? beautiful. i know. that's why i brought you with me! i bet you can't guess what happened? some guys from ninth avenue jumped fanucci today; slit his throat from ear to ear. nah. those guys aren't murderers. they wanted to scare him, that's all. make him look bad. i wish they had. he takes fifty dollars a week from my father's cash drawer. but you can't kill a man like fanucci. because he's what we say. "connected". you wait, see what happens to those guys from ninth avenue. what did i tell you. the one who cut him was found in an alley. and the family of the others paid fanucci all their savings to make him forswear his vengeance. he took the money. now he wants double from everybody in the neighborhood, including papa. the 'patrone' is here. roberto. who owns the 'rat-holes.' we won't see him for weeks! he'll stay in bed in the bronx! vitone! look at this! god bless america! we're in business!