i've cleared it through the senator's chief aide, a man named turnbull. turnbull's a heavy gambler, and into us for over a hundred grand, so i figure his information is reliable. the senator can be set up; but he thinks of himself as a clean politician. so it's got to be on terms he can live with: campaign contribution, donation to a charitable cause that he controls, things like that. if he gets even the inkling that you think you're buying him, he'll freeze up. nevada's a funny state, they like things both ways here. all right. turnbull says the senator will be here at two-thirty, and he's been primed. he knows you'll want to meet with him alone, and he knows it's about the tropicana's license. at any rate, he expects to be introduced around to some of the influential people here today, and generally treated as an ordinary guest. just go light on him, mikey, sometimes the biggest crooks don't like to think of themselves as crooks. i'm sorry; of course, you know that. connie's outside. i promised; she said it was urgent. sure, mikey. if you need anything, just. where's my wife? he doesn't want my help any more. he doesn't need it. i can feel it in the way he talks to me. just now when johnny ola showed up, he asked me to leave them alone. ola is hyman roth's sicilian contact. i was on the inside of ten, twenty meetings with him. but today mike asked me to leave, like an outsider. it's as though he blames me for the ground the family lost when i was consigliere to sonny. i love michael, i want to help him, be close to him. i don't want to end up a third string lawyer making property settlements for the hotels. but your people. neri. rocco; you don't think. mikey, i hoped. will we. be able to get who ordered it out of them? but if you're wrong. get rid of the bodies. tomorrow morning i want a report made to the local police, and paper, that some explosives we keep on the property were accidentally ignited. actually, i've come with good news; the corleone family has done you a favor. we know you're a busy man, with plenty of enemies -- we saw the opportunity to do you a favor, and we did. no strings. you know there's a senate investigating committee recently set up; we thought it would be unfortunate if they were to trace anything though-provoking to your name. do you gamble? do you owe markers? the corleone family has paid them off for you. as an expression of our esteem. our mistake. but what does it matter; it was our money. we don't even expect thanks. we'll keep it quiet; the people who know are trustworthy. the committee needn't find out. simple. be friendly like us. not hostile. kay. i wanted to explain this myself. i had business in carson city. it's michael's request. for your safety. we can send out for anything you need. within the compound will be fine. that's off now. kay, michael didn't tell me a lot; and what he did tell me, i can't repeat. but the responsibility for you and the kids was the most important thing he left me with. i don't know. i'm sorry, kay. that's not the way we look at it. twenty-five this time. mike wants it. your plans are a little different this time. you skip miami, and go straight to geneva. it's to be deposited to this number. and it's got to be there by monday morning, no slip-up. let them count. no questions. al, as far as you're concerned, i'm the don. you've been through a lot with us so i'm going to give you the truth. mike knows it was someone within the compound that set him up for that hit. so nobody is to know where he is, not you, not rocco, not even his brother fredo. sorry, al, i know how you feel about mike. but he still remembers tessio. just a little. what about kay? let me try kay. kay? anyone hungry? hello? what do you mean gone? why didn't someone tell me! rocco! goddamn it, where were you? get me a scotch and water. i can't let him down. all right, let me think a minute. yeah, give me a minute. oh christ, pop. it was so good when you were alive. i felt i could handle anything. kay. kay. you don't know that's true. but kay, just for the sake of an argument, let's assume it is, i'm not saying it is, remember, but. what if i gave you what might be some justification for what he did. or rather some possible justification for what he possibly did. okay, just hear me out. what if carlo had been paid to help get sonny killed? what if his beating of connie that time was a deliberate plot to get sonny out into the open? then what? and what if the don, a great man, couldn't bring himself to do what he had to do, avenge his son's death by killing his daughter's husband? what if that, finally, was too much for him, and he made michael his successor, knowing that michael would take that load off his shoulders, would take that guilt? if he were, he'd be dead by now. you'd be a widow. you'd have no problem. if you told michael what i've told you today, i'm a dead man. i don't know. i hope soon; but it's not over yet, and that's why you and the kids have to come back to me. no. but if they do have somebody, you'll do three years for perjury if you give them so much as a wrong middle name. michael, take the fifth all the way, that way you can't get into trouble. i took care of it. a little care he can ride in with an electric motor. roth got out on a private boat. he's in a hospital in miami. had a stroke but he's recovered okay. bussetta's dead. the new government arrested him, held him for a couple of days with a lot of the other casino people, including roth's brother, sam. the american embassy arranged flights for citizens; i'm not sure, but i think he's somewhere in new york. my information is that fredo thought it was a kidnapping. roth assured him nothing would happen to you. wait. there's something else. kay had a miscarriage; she lost the baby. mike, at three and a half. it was a boy. she took the senate investigation worse. i don't know. senator, my client would like to read a statement for the record. sir, my client has answered every question asked by this committee with the utmost cooperation and sincerity. he has not taken that fifth amendment as it was his right to do, and which because of the extreme legal complexity of this hearing, counsel advised him to do. so, i think in all fairness this committee should hear his statement and put it in the record. roth engineered it, michael. he made pentangeli think you hit him. deliberately letting him get off alive. then the new york detectives turned frankie over to the fbi. my informants say he was half dead and scared stiff -- talking out loud that you had turned on him and tried to kill him. anyway, they had him on possession, dealing in heroin, murder one and a lot more. there's no way we can get to him and you've opened yourself to five points of perjury. he says he doesn't know anything, and i believe him. roth played this one beautifully. yes, sir. his name is vincenzo pentangeli. he is, i believe, a brother. sir, the gentleman does not understand english. he would not in any case, take the stand. he came, at his own expense, to aid his brother in his trouble. he is not under any jurisdiction of our government and his reputation in his own country is impeccable. senator kane. this committee owes an apology! he's waiting for you to leave. no chance. i'm sorry, freddie. he's in the boathouse. yes. i don't know. i know he's in israel. he's going to try panama. his medical condition is reported as. "terminal." that plane goes to miami. mike, it's impossible. he'll be met by the internal revenue; the customs service, and half the fbi. mike, it would be like trying to kill the president; there's no way we can get to him. are you so hungry for traitors; do you want to find them everywhere? i turned houstan down; i didn't see why i should tell you about an offer i turned down. are you sure, mikey? are you sure of what we're doing; what we'll gain; what does the family gain? forget that, mike; i already know the answer. why do you hurt me, michael? i've always been loyal to you. i'm staying. don't ever enjoy the cruel part of all this; sonny never listened to me about that. now, explain everything to me. i think i prefer to see my client privately. i'd like to go outside with him, in the open air. you have guards outside and the electric fence. there's no security reason for not letting us talk in the yard. everything is going to be okay, frankie, don't worry. yeah, but don't worry. yeah. he wouldn't even go out to dinner. just wanted to go home. you're right. frankie, you were always interested in politics, in history. i remember you talking about hitler back in '43. we were young then. you were around the old timers who dreamed up how the families should be organized, how they based it on the old roman legions, and called them 'regimes'. with the 'capos' and 'soldiers,' and it worked. yeah, it was once. the roman empire. when a plot against the emperor failed, the plotters were always given a chance to let their families keep their fortunes. yeah, that was a good break. a nice deal. don't worry about anything, frankie five-angels. wonderful, sal. well, we could have expected it after the embargo. pop had to pull a lot of strings to get you your deferment.