most respected gentlemen, allow me to welcome you to the city of havana, the republic of cuba on behalf of his excellency, fulgencio batista. i'd like to thank this distinguished group of american industrialists, for continuing to work with cuba, for the greatest period of prosperity in her entire history. mr. william proxmiro, representing the general fruit company. messrs. corngold and dant, of the united telephone and telegraph company; mr. petty, regional vice-president of the pan american mining corporation; and, of course, our friend mr. robert allen, of south american sugar. mr. nash of the american state department. and mr. hyman roth of miami, and michael corleone of nevada representing our associates in tourism and leisure activities. the president would like to take this opportunity to thank u t&t for their lovely gift: a solid gold telephone! he thought all you gentlemen would care to take a look at it. of course. the rebel movement is basically unpopular, and since july of 1958 has been contained in the oriente province, in the mountains of the sierra muestre. we began a highly successful offensive against them in march, and activities within the city itself are at a minimum. i can assure you we'll tolerate no guerrillas in the casinos or swimming pools! what a pity; she's crying. must have been fired, and she's been with the president's family for twenty years.