anthony, in his communion suit sits alone at the table, looking like a lonely young prince. anthony runs away from her, heading toward the house. michael stands with kay and mrs. geary. the senator's presence seems to be a statement of political and social status. michael sits at a large table with kay, his son anthony, mama, hagen and teresa, connie and merle' fredo and deanna, and frankie pentangeli. michael walks alone, followed by two of the family dogs, irish setters. the young actress crosses into the area, unaware of the difficulties. the impresario sees her, and frightened, motions that she should keep away. signor abbandando seems to be arguing with fanucci, and every so often they turn and relate to where vito is working. then fanucci leaves, the little bell ringing; and signor abbandando reluctantly moves to vito. the black car pulls up; another car that had been following it parks nearby. the big american car stops at an intersection. bussetta is sitting in the forward passenger side; while michael is in the back. he hears tapping on the window; he turns and sees four cuban boys tapping on his window and extending their hands, and rubbing their stomachs as though they were hungry. the cuban driver rolls down his window and shouts them away in spanish. as they lead and escort the mercury out of the area. the cake is sliced and carried to each of the men. at a large round table, located in an obvious vip section of the high, tropically draped room with living ferns and other tropical planting with artificial stars. fredo's party standing on the ramp, looking down at the spectacle. they're a little woozy from the drinks and late hour. michael is with them, but now we sense he is using this time, with all exhausted and drunk, to come to some important conclusions. a family surreptitiously leaves their home, carrying suitcases and belongings. on an almost decrepit don francesco. he must be in his early nineties, sitting as powerful and as impressive as ever, in his throne-like chair from which he manages the power as the mafia chieftan of this village. young don tomasino is speaking. anyone given entrance to the caucus room is being frisked. the five senators take their places. michael enters the room, followed by connie, who tends little mary and anthony. the boat pulls up alongside fredo and anthony. connie comes into the house quickly, and moves toward them. the water is whipped up by the wind, and the waves are high as they break against the pavilion. we hear the music of time passing, of michael, of the godfather over these images. the peninsula of the private corleone harbor. we see the figures of two people, seated at a table. michael sits at a table having a sparse lunch. he is attended by his sister connie, who seems to be the closest person now living on the estate with him. we see from the way she pampers him with his lunch, that she has fallen into the role of a surrogate mother-wife. he seems older than his years, as though his illness, diabetes, has taken its toll.