hey, kid! you got any red wine? forget it. fredo! sonuvabitch. you look great. gotta check up on my boys. hey, what's with the food? some kid in a white jacket brings me a ritz cracker with some chopped liver. 'canapes,' he says. i say, 'can a peas, my ass, that's a ritz cracker with chopped liver.' go get me a salami sandwich and a glass of wine or i'll send you and your white jacket to the dry cleaners! you remember willy cicci, don't you, freddie? we was all together with the old man clemenza in brooklyn. before. uh. that's what i'm here to talk to your brother about. what's with him, i got to get a letter of introduction to have a 'sitdown'? i can't believe that out of thirty professional musicians, not one of you is italian! c'mon, give us a tarantella. michael, in all respect, i didn't come three thousand miles for dinner. when do we talk? yeah, the kid and me talked sicilian. a one-way conversation! sure, pete clemenza died of a heart attack, but the rosato brothers gave it to him. okay, now it's my family in brooklyn; and i wanna keep up clemenza's loyalty to you. but how can i run my family with you challenging my every move? you're too far from the street, mike, the only way to reason with the rosato brothers is to whack 'em and whack 'em fast. says who? clemenza promised them nothing, he hated the sonsuvbitches. michael, you're sitting up here in the sierra mountains with champagne cocktails making judgment on the way i run my family. and while i feed my family in new york, you put the knife in my back in miami. the rosatos are running crazy; taking hostages, spitting in my face, because they're backed by the jew in miami. how can you be fair with animals? they recruit niggers and spicks; they do violence in their own grandmother's neighborhoods. and everything is dope and whores; the gambling is left to last. let me run my family without you on my back. i want them taken care of. you give your loyalty to a jew over your own blood. he did business. but he never trusted him. rosato, where's your brother? he don't want to talk? are we going to eat or what? forget it; i'm suddenly without an appetite. you're making big trouble, carmine. we could have talked first, saved a lot of running around. don't i look like i'm listening? i'm a little hungry, maybe i'll order something. joe. get me some bracciole or something. and pay cash. and in return for these concessions, what do you do for me? pari persu; what the fuck is pari persu? what assurances do i have that there will be no more kidnapping, no more hits? what if i say shove it? you want a war? you know if there's a way i'll go to the commission and the commission will side with me. that puts me and the other new york families against you. i'm talking about italians! he supports me. you drove old pete clemenza to his grave, carmine; you and your brother. turning on him; trouble in his territories -- you and your demands. i hold you responsible, just as though you shot him in the head. and i ain't gonna let that go for long! nobody i hate calls me five-angels to my face! what's up? what's this? one michael corleone. dove? don corleone, i wish you let me know you was coming. we could have prepared something for you. michael, yes, we was all relieved. michael, anything. what is it i can do for you? i was just going to contact you, michael; we just had a 'sit-down' - in fact, i just come from there. mike, i don't understand. don't ask me to do that. it would be the beginning of the end for my family. how can i keep all my other territories in like if i let two wise-guys stand up and demand this and that, and then give it to them? always. but sometimes i don't understand. i know i'll never have your kind of brains, in big deals. but mike, this is a street thing. and hyman roth in miami is behind the rosato brothers. then why do you want me to lay down to them? jesus christ, michael, then let's hit 'em now, while we still got the muscle. sure, mike. i'll go along. wait in the car. what's this? i don't like the c-note. i take it like an insult. the bastard. the dirty bastard, he gave me a c-note. he gave me a c- note. ten to one shot, you said. ten to one shot in my favor, and i lose. my life won't be worth a nickel after tomorrow. yeah, some deal i made. some deal. i just wish mike had took the fifth. i didn't turn against nobody; he turned against me. let's go. frank pentangeli. i never knew no godfather. i got my own family. no. i never heard of it. i never heard of nothing like that. i was in the olive oil business with his father a long time ago. that's all. the fbi guys promised me a deal. so i made up a lot of stuff about michael corleone. because then, that's what they wanted. but it was all lies. everything. they said michael corleone did this, michael corleone did that. so i said, "yeah, sure." the room has a bug in it. did my brother go back? he's ten times tougher than me, my brother. he's old-fashioned. that's my brother. nothing could get him away from that two mule town. he coulda been big over here -- he could of had his own family. tom, what do i do now? yeah, i still read a lot. they bring me stuff. yeah, it worked. those were great old days. we was like the roman empire. the corleone family was like the roman empire. yeah, but only the rich guys. the little guys got knocked off. if they got arrested and executed, all their estate went to the emperor. if they just went home and killed themselves, up front, nothing happened. they went home and sat in a hot bath and opened their veins, and bled to death. sometimes they gave a little party before they did it. thanks, tom. thanks. you boys sure you can't get me a broad for tonight? give me a little party? i guess i'll just take a hot bath.