what is that exactly? no, i don't know, explain that exactly. did you ever get such an order directly from michael corleone? are you the son of vito corleone? i'm sure we all agree with our esteemed colleague. now, mr. corleone, you have been advised as to your legal rights. we have had testimony from a preceding witness who states you are head of the most powerful mafia family in this country. are you? this witness has testified that you are personally responsible for the murder of a new york police captain in the year 1947 and with him a man named virgil sollozzo. do you deny this? is it true that in the year 1950 you devised the murder of the heads of the five families in new york, to assume and consolidate your nefarious power? is it true that you own a controlling interest in three of the major hotels in las vegas? mr. corleone, do you have any hotel interests in the state of arizona? or any gambling interests in that state? do you have interests or control over gambling and narcotics in the state of new york. i don't think that's necessary. very well. we have here a witness who will testify further on michael corleone's rule of the criminal empire that controls gambling in this country and perhaps in other countries. this witness had no buffer between himself and michael corleone. he can corroborate our charges on enough counts for this committee to consider a charge of perjury against michael corleone. your name please, for the record. were you a member of the corleone family? were you under the caporegime peter clemenza, under vito corleone, known as the godfather? mr. pentangeli, you are contradicting your confessions to our investigators; i ask you again, were you a member of a crime organization headed by michael corleone? we have your confession that you murdered on the orders of michael corleone. do you deny that confession and do you know what denying that confession will mean to you? mr. hagen, would you kindly identify to this committee that gentleman sitting on your right hand? is he related to the witness? sir, i would like you to take the stand. the witness is excused; take him out. this meeting is adjourned. the committee is adjourned until further notice.