he'll be here pop, it's still early. sandra, watch the kids. they're running wild. buddy, this is a private party. goddamn fbi. don't respect nothing. okay. one minute. and michael? it's me, sonny. the tattaglia family guarantees our investment? yeah. i think so. detective squad? is he alive? find out anything you can. you got a grand coming. theresa, let me talk to tom. not yet? have him call me as soon as he gets home. they shot the old man. honey. don't worry. nothing else is going to happen. yeah. where the hell was paulie, why wasn't he with the don? how many times did he stay home the last couple of months? go get paulie, i don't care how sick he is. pick him up yourself, and bring him to my father's house. no, just you and paulie. a couple of our people will come to stay here. do whatever they say; i'm going over to the main house. if you want me, use pop's special phone. hello. yeah. i'll wait. ma? ma, where are you. ma, i just got a call. pop's hurt. i don't know how bad. we don't know yet, ma. tessio. this is santino corleone. i want fifty reliable men out here. i don't want to use clemenza's people right now. understood? luca. don't worry, theresa; they just want to give tom the proposition, then they're going to turn him loose. i was worried when we couldn't get in touch with you in that hick town. good. she's been through it before. me too. you were too young to know about it. you better wait outside; there're some things you shouldn't hear. oh no you can't, the old man'd be sore as hell if i let you get mixed up in this. theresa. all right, mikey. who do we have to hit, clemenza or paulie? one of them fingered the old man. you're right, kid, clemenza is okay. it was paulie. on the three days paulie was sick this month, he got calls from a payphone across from the old man's building. we got people in the phone company. thank god it was paulie. we'll need clemenza bad. until the old man tells me different. sollozzo is a dead man, i don't care what it costs. i don't care if we have to fight all the five families in new york. the tattaglia family's going to eat dirt. i don't care if we all go down together. i know i'm not the man he was. but i'll tell you this and he'll tell you too. when it comes to real action, i can operate as good as anybody short range. christ, if i could only contact luca. the cops have it locked in and i got my people there visiting pop all the time. what about the hit list. if luca sold out we're in real trouble. no, and i've been calling all night. maybe he's shacked up. tom, you're the consigliere, what do we do if the old man dies? that's easy to say; it's not your father. oh christ tom, i didn't mean it that way. ok, we sit tight until the old man can give us the lead. but tom, i want you to stay inside the mall. you too, mike, no chances. tessio, you hold your people in reserve, but have them nosing around the city. the hospital is yours; i want it tight, fool-proof, 24 hours a day. what is it? tessio, see what it is. yeah. hang around. clemenza. you take care of paulie. i don't ever want to see him again. understood? okay, now you can move your men into the mall, replace tessio's people. mike, tomorrow you take a couple of clemenza's people and go to luca's apartment and wait for him to show. that crazy bastard might be going after sollozzo right now if he's heard the news. ok forget it, just stay on the phone. you take care of paulie? where are you going? send some bodyguards. ok, but be careful. all right, get him in a different room; lock the door from the inside. i'll have some men there inside of fifteen minutes. sit tight, and don't panic. i've got a hundred button men on the streets twenty-four hours a day. if sollozzo shows one hair on his ass he's dead. mikey, you look beautiful! the turk wants to talk! the nerve of that son of a bitch! after he craps out last night he wants a meet. sure, he wants us to send mike to meet him to hear his proposition. the promise is the deal will be so good we can't refuse. part of the deal: bruno cancels out what they did to my father. no, no consiglere. not this time. no more meetings, no more discussions, no more sollozzo tricks. give them one message: i want sollozzo. if not, it's all out war. we go to the mattresses and we put all the button men out on the street. then they hand me sollozzo. and when they shot me father. no no, no more advice on how to patch it up tom. you just help me win. understood? mccluskey can't stay with the turk forever. we'll wait. the kid's right. go on mike. you? you, the high-class college kid. you never wanted to get mixed up in the family business. now you wanta gun down a police captain and the turk just because you got slapped in the face. you're taking it personal, it's just business and he's taking it personal. what are you, inspecting the barracks? you ready? did clemenza tell you be sure to drop the gun right away? sollozzo and mccluskey are going to pick you up in an hour and a half on times square, under the big camels sign. that could be a tattaglia informer with the meeting place. one of tattaglia's people? i want somebody very good, very safe to plant that gun. i don't want my brother coming out of that toilet with just his dick in his hand. you're on, kid. i'll square it with mom your not seeing her before you left. and i'll get a message to your girl friend when i think the time is right. probably a year. can you do it mike? yeah. it's me, sonny. connie, what is it? i'm goin' to have the doctor come over and take a look at you. hey. con. what'm i goin' to do? make your kid a orphan before he's born. you. bastard. you. hurt my sister. again. and i'll kill. you. pop, they hit us and we hit them back. freddie's gonna go to las vegas. under the protection of don francesco of l.a. i want him to rest. we'll let the old man take it easy for a couple of weeks. i want to get things going good before he gets better. what's the matter with you? no more stalemate tom, we got the soldiers, we'll match them gun for gun if that's how they want it. they know me for what i am, tom-- and they're scared of me. well it's war! we might not be in this shape if we had a real war- time consiglere, a sicilian. pop had genco, who do i have? hey tom, hey. hey. it's sunday, we're gonna have dinner. don't be sore. yeah connie. you wait there. you just wait there. that sonofabitch; that sonofabitch.