boone! you awake? eight o'clock. you told me to get you up, asshole. hasta la vista, boone. and give the jail bait a squeeze for me. so you just sat there while this old limey banged his gums? you ever hear of this whale fellow? couldn't make it any deader, doll. set me up. yeah, one for what's-his-name here. jesus, boone. you come in here proud as a peacock because some old coot wants to paint your picture. we're just bringing you back to earth. ooooh. ooooh. not bad. two down and it's just started. i loved it. i want a switch like that in my trailer, so i can blow us to kingdom come when things don't go my way. damn but it's getting drunk in here. late too. the bride of dwight is going to bite my head off. you coming, boone? hey, boone.