you done yet, love? i am absolutely dying for a fag. uh-oh. the way you look at me, james. what have you done this time? boris? do i look a fright? oh, james. and you said there'd be some of me left. nobody's going to know me in this getup. only a mad scientist could do this to a woman. in the sequel, james, two lady scientists should make a monster. and our monster would be gary cooper. more your line. jimmy. how are you? i saw una o'conner a few weeks ago. she said you'd been under the weather. we're all getting a bit long in the tooth. please. you shouldn't stand on my account. i'm fine, jimmy. i can only stay a few minutes. what's our pesky friend up to now? is that boris? our little chum appears to be arranging a reunion. boris, darling. i didn't know you were here. these public revels are hardly up your alley. and what do you make of our royal visitant? of course she's a lady. what did you expect? a hussy in tennis shoes? don't you just love being famous? are you all right, jimmy? we'll be in touch, jimmy.