she was nothing but bother. i not like her, mr. jimmy not like her. we do better if you live-in again, mr. david. yes, i call you at this number. mr. jimmy? more coffee? bone? boom? something bee. i hire him while you were in the hospital. he came cheap. yes, mr. jimmy. an interview. after so many years. very exciting. mr. kay, sir. time for you to leave. water. glasses at the sink. which ones? i bring them all. i do not think you anything anymore. just back from the hospital and already you are chasing after boys. perhaps we should get you uphill before the pills knock you cold. how are you feeling, mr. jimmy? how is your mind today? you remember what the doctor tells us. i am not forgetting your last brief chat. he looks plenty big. you won't need my help if anything goes flooey. the master is waiting for you. he's down in his studio. here. take this with you. i'm keeping away. what you are doing is no business of mine. what kind of man are you? are you a good man? you will not hurt him? no. no. i am sorry. forget everything i say. here. i will take the tray. oh, that monster. how could you be working with him? he is not going to kill the old man? she is horrible. ugh. i am sorry, mr. jimmy, but your movie is not my teacup. still, i am glad there is a happy ending. the bad people are dead and the good people live. you will take them all, mr. jimmy? good night. oh no, mr. jimmy. of course. this afternoon. the master wants to know if you are free for lunch. i tell him you will be having other plans, but he insists i ask. expect nothing fancy. the master is dressing. i am to offer you a drink. there is whiskey and there is iced tea. no. you are a guest now. you go in the living room. long enough. fifteen years. no. we live simply, mr. jimmy and i. people come to play bridge. and now and then, young men to swim. you have people, boone? your wife? why? a man who is not married has nothing. he is a man of trouble. you need a woman. men. always pulling legs. everything is comedy. "how very amusing. how marvelously droll." of course. i am married still. he is dead now, twenty years. no. i have children, grandchildren too. i visit when i can. but now that mr. jimmy cannot be left very long, i do not get away much. poor mr. jimmy. there is much good in him, but he will suffer the fires of hell. very sad. this is what the priests tell me. his sins of the flesh will keep him from heaven. no. his is the worse. the unspeakable. the deed no man can name without shame? what is the good english? all i know is bugger. he is a bugger. men who bugger each other. yes! you know? that is why he must go to hell. i do not think it fair. but god's law is not for us to judge. you did not know? you and he are not doing things? good. that is what i hope. i did not think you a bugger too. i fear only that you might hurt him if he tries. yes. i trust you. you must go in. quickly. he will not like to think i have had you in the kitchen. a visitor. mr. boone. he is an interesting friend. no. but someone you can talk to. i have my family. also our lord jesus christ. it must be up in your old room. i will look. oh, mr. jimmy. you make a mess of it. here. that is my daughter. she say she and her husband are coming to town this afternoon. i am sorry, mr. jimmy. i will make it short. no. i do not cook for them. my daughter's no-good husband will not take one bite of our food. hello? oh, mr. david! no, no, he did not tell me. but no problem. i will make breakfast. ten? very good, then. good-bye. i have brought you your clothes. all i ask is that you get dressed and go. we are having a guest for breakfast. there is nothing you can say that will surprise me. i blame my daughter for keeping me out so late. i only hope you did not get him excited. it could give him a new stroke. what do i do? it is my job. i did it when he was happy and it was easy. it is only fair i do it now when he is ill. enough talk. i must wake up the master. mr. jimmy? morning, mr. jimmy. what have you done with him? mr. jimmy! mr. jimmy! look for him! ohhh! oh, mr. jimmy. he says here good-bye. i find it in his room. he is sorry, he says. he has had a wonderful life. you poor, foolish man. you couldn't wait for god to take you in his time? you must leave. you were not here this morning. the police will not know that. they will want to investigate. do you want to be questioned about you and mr. jimmy? please, clayton. it will be better if i find the body alone. you are right. yes. we must put him back. poor mr. jimmy. we do not mean disrespect. you will keep better in water.