whale is sitting up n bed when hanna knocks. she enters with a tray loaded with bottles and vials. whale snorts at the imagined scene. one by one, he returns the capsules to their bottle, until a single pill remains. he places it on the table, then turns out the lamp and lies on his back in the dark, waiting for sleep. whale glances at the clock, sees that it is 3:15. he is wide awake. he reaches over, picks up the luminal. whale stands just inside the closet, buttoning a crisp white shirt. he reaches for a red bow tie, closes the closet door. in the mirror, leonard barnett stands behind him, in uniform. whale's eyes twinkle in surprise. he drapes the tie around his collar. whale fiddles with the knot of his tie. whale pulls on a blazer. whale sits on the edge of the bed, tugs the bowtie from his collar. clay taps on the door, opens it. whale bolts up in bed. an electrical storm flashes and cracks in the window.