whale and hanna are in bathrobes and slippers, and there is a glass of milk and a plate of cookies on whale's tv tray. on the tv, minnie squeaks and whimpers and screams. whale laughs. hanna's frown pops open. dr. frankenstein and pretorius make their final preparations. frankenstein inquires where the fresh heart came from. "there are always accidental deaths occurring," pretorius replies. "always." once again, whale responds to the talk of death. the bride shrieks again. clay sits in a straight-backed chair, smoking a cigarette and sipping his scotch. whale sketches from a wing chair across the room. whale stares out impassively. whale removes the lid, sets the hatbox on the sofa. clay finds a pack of cigarettes on the floor and lights one, then sets the furniture back up. he picks up the gas mask from beside the sofa, shoves it into its box.