the room is filled with unframed canvasses, many of them copies of paintings by the old masters. hanna swings open the screen door -- and grimaces when she sees kay in his bvds. he is kneeling next to whale, who is stretched out on the daybed. whale ponders the half-painted canvas, clearly distressed by his lack of progress. the stillness is punctured by the sound of clay's lawnmower being dragged up the brick steps. whale smiles, puts down his brush. clay stands at the screen door. clay opens the squeaking door and enters behind hanna. whale stands at a drafting table, sharpening a pencil. hanna sets the tray down. clay sits sideways on the chair again. whale stands at the easel. whale and boone are back in their familiar positions. an empty glass of beer sits on the floor next to clay. whale leans forward, completely disoriented. his eyes fix on clay, the white eyebrows screwed down, until he is able to recognize the face.