mr. whale, this is such an honor. you're one of my favorite all-time directors. i can't believe i'm meeting you. and this is your house. wow. the house of frankenstein. i thought you'd live in a spooky old mansion or villa. i know. people's movies aren't their lives. love dead. hate living. that's my favorite line in my favorite movie of yours. "bride of frankenstein." sure. i love the great horror films. and yours are the best. "the old dark house." "the invisible man." they look great and have style. and funny! nice. and your lighting and camera angles. you're got to go back to german silent movies to find anything like it. everything. start at the beginning. mr. whale? your father was a schoolmaster? how much longer before we get to "frankenstein"? oh no, i want to hear everything. you made twenty pictures in all -- but it's the horror movies you'll be remembered for. no. i never said you were. or will be soon. so. "journey's end" brought you to hollywood -- i don't mind. that's funny, mr. whale. you're serious. then the rumors are true? that you were forced to retire because, uh -- a sex scandal. you're a dirty old man. too warm for a sweater, anyway. george cukor? who made "a star is born"? i never guessed. i guess. can we talk about the horror movies now? will you tell me everything you remember about making "frankenstein"? can that count as one question? i can't believe i'm doing this. just like going swimming, isn't it? okay. "frankenstein." tell me everything. who came up with the monster's makeup and look? he's one of the great images of the twentieth century. as important as the mona lisa. boris karloff. where did you find him? karloff, mr. whale. how did you cast him? mr. whale? are you all right? oh my god. what's wrong, mr. whale? is it your heart? i was going to take a swim. right. mr. whale! bet you thought you'd never see me again. i didn't know if you'd be well enough to come to this party. i'm the one who got you on mr. cukor's guest list. i interviewed him after i met you. i'm his social secretary now. well, assistant to his secretary. don't think that, mr. whale. i love your movies. that's why i wanted you to come to this. so i could see you with your monsters. don't go away. hey, you! with the camera! we got a historical moment here. come get a picture of it. this is mr. james whale, who made "frankenstein" and "bride of frankenstein." and this is the monster and his bride. catch you before you go, mr. whale. i'll make sure everybody gets sent a print.