murray wants these copied to each field producer. and i'm supposed to remind you to call him on all of caiman's expense p.o.'s. think i should ask him? i'm going to ask him. you think i should? i will. did you talk with humphries? just tell me, did you talk with him? are you serious? he's going to consider me for he job? what else did he say? mr. caiman, you're married. mr. caiman. mr. caiman, i've been doing extra research for you after hours and weekends for nearly a year. and i've never asked for anything but this job is really important to me. i'm too old to be an assistant anymore. i need to know this job is going someplace. i can't. my life sucks. i can't believe he put the moves on me. after everything i've done for him. you know how i spent last weekend? walking his damned dog. animal, you don't think that's true, do you? well, i can be tough if i want. oh my god! turn that up, turn it up. it's nick! i know that guy. i know him! he was my college sweetie! look at him. he looks so handsome on t.v. what the hell is he doing in panama. nick tatopoulos. no! i just couldn't see myself with some boring egg head who spends his summer picking apart cockroaches. i wanted to have some adventure, some fun. nearly four years. that's the problem. he did. great stuff, animal. weren't you scared? caiman, wait. take me with you. i've got something on this. i know a guy on the inside with the military. you don't understand, i can get us information. remember my friend we saw on t.v.? yeah, well he just turned up in new jersey at the military command post. somehow all this is related to what happened down in panama. there's a story here. i know it. you got any tape or glue? hey, do you have any glue in your bag? can i use some? the warm feeling of helping your fellow man. you're kidding, right? wish me luck! i'm tired of waiting for someone else to give me an opportunity, luce. if there's a story here i'm going to find it. you must have quite some harem. it's good to see you, nick. what? yeah, well. so, you still picking apart cockroaches? you're still mad at me, aren't you? that was eight years ago. some people change, you know. i'm sorry you feel that way. sure. i'd like that. one, thing, though. who'd you get pregnant? i still can't believe it. how does a guy go from an anti-nuke activists to working for the nuclear regulatory commission? and exactly what changes are you trying to effect? and you think this creature is one of them? blood sample? how close did you get to that thing? what else do you know about it? are you sure? i don't get it. if it's the first of its kind, how can it be pregnant? nesting? which is why in this case "all the kings horses and all the kings men" may not be able to put the big apple together again. audrey timmons, wnew. so, what do you think? like you said, "good guys finish last." murray, i need you to look at this tape. you're going to want to include this. i've got exclusive footage of other places this thing has attacked. mine! you're special report! i'm the one that found that stupid song! that's my special report, you bastard! and it's "gojira" not godzilla you moron! he stole my report! that's my report! caiman you suck! what do you mean murray's not there? a second ago you told me he was on the other line. you're leaving? why? is this cause of me? because of the story? you never said it was off the record. i didn't mean for it to turn out like this. look, i lied to you. i'm not a reporter. when we broke up and i came out to new york i was so sure i'd make it. but i haven't. that's why i needed this story so bad. i just couldn't tell you i'm a failure. i'm sorry. stupid idiots! it's all my fault. what have i done, animal? what have i become? look at me. this isn't me. i don't do things like this. yeah, i just screwed up with the only man who ever really cared about me. yeah. why are you asking? my god. he's going after the nest. animal, i can't. i don't know. i've already made such a mess of things. what are you doing? what are you doing? animal, let's get out of here. shoot! shoot it! okay, where'd they go from here? don't you think we have enough? great. now what do we do? think we can fit up in there? what? what is it? i thought you said there'd only be a dozen eggs. what about the phones? i know a way. i know how you can get a message out of here. this way. come on, the broadcast booth is right over here. our network covers the ranger games. the network is on an intranet. it's a direct feed into our computer system. if you're seeing this, ed, please put us on live! this is urgent! i know this sounds crazy ed but you have to do it. please, trust me. he's not going to do it. ed, you see that? they'll be all over the city if we don't stop them! are we on? are we live? we're live from inside madison square garden where dr. niko tatopoulos has discovered the beasts lair. doctor, tell us what is happening here. oh my god! they're coming! reporting live from madison square garden, this is audrey timmonds, in case i can't later. somehow i never thought your life was this exciting. really? i'd like to find out. cut uptown, take 8th to 57th then cut up broadway. the jfk? in the rain!? but we can get to the west side faster. gun it! gun it! we? i don't think so. not anymore. mr. caiman, i quit. no. who was that french guy, anyway.