dr. niko topopolosis? right. the worm guy. can someone get those people off the beach? follow me. we have a situation on our hands that requires your particular expertise. we know. yeah, you're the worm guy. no, but i have the feeling i'm about to find out. seventeen percent, huh? sounds big. then you're perfect. here's your radioactive sample. study it. you're standing on it. that's right. we're hoping you're going to help us figure that out. it happened so fast no one knew what hit them 'til is was over. a tanker was attacked and sunk yesterday near the french polynesians. we think there's a connection. who are they? lieutenant, get those people away from there. and who are you? you're fast. well your people are getting in the way of my job. get your people out of there or i will. what makes you think it's related? jesus christ! it's only two hundred miles off the american eastern seaboard and we don't even know what it is. don't tell me why it's not, tell me what the hell it is. any word from the mayor's office? status report? you want to run that by me again? we think there's a strong reason to believe it may be hiding inside one of the buildings within the sequestered area. christ. how many tunnels lead off the island? have them sealed off. fill them with cement, brick them up, put land mines in them, bombs, i don't know, just make sure that goddamned thing doesn't leave the island! what are you suggesting? where are they now? commence phase one. let's gas it! fire at will! o'neal, what the hell is going on there!? then fire damn it! you said he was locked on! echo four, where is he!? general anderson, the problem was the terrain. if we lure him out into a more open area such as this portion of central park. we should be able to take him down. that's not true. our worm guy, er, i mean, dr. tatopoulos found blood. you see, all we need to do is get a better shot at it with weapons that don't rely on heat seeking. so after we kill the creature we'll begin a search for the nest. if dr. tatopoulos is right, we must act quickly before this problem escalates. he's come through for us before and if he feels strongly. you gave them the tape? sergeant, status? damn it! fire! shoot it before it gets away! we're sending divers into the river now to retrieve the body. organize a search party. i want a complete sweep of the entire city and subway system. try and stop me. what is it? that's correct, i want you to blow up madison square garden. no i'm not drunk. contact the news station. tell them we're on the way. captain rogers, do we still have those f-18's in the air? turn 'em around.