i'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain. "what a glorious feeling. i'm happy again" "i'm laughing at clouds, so dark up above" "the sun's in my heart and i'm ready for love" "let the cloudy skies chase" "i'm singin' in the mud, just scooping up my worms" good day. i am here with permission. i have a, a. permit. how do you say permit? it's tatopoulos. what are they doing? you can't shut me down now! my research here's not finished! it's tatopoulos. excuse me, would you mind telling me what the hell i'm doing here? you didn't answer my question. in fact, for the last 18 hours no one has answered any of my questions. look, i may work for the nuclear regulatory commission but accidents and spills are not my field. do you know that you just interrupted a three year study of the chernobyl earthworm? the radioactive contamination in that area altered the earthworm's dna! you have any idea what that means? it means that due to a man made accident the chernobyl earthworms are now over seventeen percent larger than they were before. mutated by seventeen percent? they're enormous! a new species created by man's recklessness. that's what i've been trying to tell you, i'm only a biologist. i take radioactive samples and study them. what sample? i don't see it. where is it? i don't see it! that was a footprint. i was standing inside a footprint. but there's no animal in the world that can make prints like that? is there? somebody must have seen it. hi. nick tatopoulos. oh, i'm not married. no. perhaps i work too much. not for a long time, now. oh, thank you. is she always like this? mind if i borrow this? yeah, i'm. wait. i lost. thanks. what about the traces of radiation? the radiation is not an anomaly, it's the clue. this creature is far too unique on every level to be some lost dinosaur. what do we know? it was first sighted off the french polynesian pacific. an area that has been exposed to dozens of nuclear tests over the last thirty years. more than that. i believe this is a mutated aberration, a hybrid from the fall out in that region. yes! we're looking at a completely incipient creature. the dawn of a new species. the first of its kind. i don't think so. i don't understand. how can something that large just disappear? i don't think so. i mean, look at it. it's perfect. an island, water on all sides. but like no other island in the world, this is a place where he can easily hide. he's in there someplace. you know, he's not an enemy trying to evade you. he's just an animal. when i needed to catch earthworms, i knew the best way to catch them was not to chase them. i had to draw them out. all we need to do is find out what it wants, what it needs, and he'll come to us. i'm kind of hoping the same thing. that's a lot of fish. i need your radio. sergeant o'neal, the subway vents. we have to shut them down. with the air pressure pushing up, he'll never smell the bait! we need to open all the manhole covers in the area. let the scent waft down. that's not true. we fed him. it's okay, i'll get out here. do you have any home pregnancy tests? especially ones that test for catastrophic hormones or clomiphene citrate. i'll take them all. audrey?! is that you? hi, hello. you look, wow, uh, how've you been? so you made it. you're a reporter. that's what you always wanted to be, right? i'm happy for you. really, i am. no, i'm into earthworms now. you wouldn't be interested. they're real "boring" creatures. very reliable, dependable, no surprises. you just left me without a phone call, a letter, nothing. all this time. yeah, i guess i'm still a little mad. most people don't. wait. i'm sorry. you're right. eight years is a long time. can i offer you a cup of tea? when you and i use to attend rallies in college, we helped to create awareness. but from the inside now i can actually effect change. i never lost my idealism. i have this theory that we're inadvertently creating new species as a direct result of what we've done to nature. yes. the first of its kind. i found this blood sample earlier this evening. i got pretty close. well, we know he eats fish, he's of reptile genus, he's a burrower, he's amphibious and. he's pregnant. well, obviously these tests weren't designed for this but fundamentally they're looking for the same hormonal patterns that would indicate pregnancy. the ultimate expression of evolution, it reproduces asexually. think about it, all kinds of creatures have been known to travel great distances for reproduction. that's why he came to new york. like every species of insufficient progenitors, he's nesting! yes. do you realize that a creature like this could lay as many as a dozen eggs at a time! forgive me but i've got to get this into the lab, to confirm all this. i'll be right back. audrey? audrey? well, yes. i did. clearly he was injured and bled. um, excuse me, sir, but the situation's more complicated than that. the blood i recovered revealed that the creature is either about to lay eggs or already has. i don't believe so. no, it reproduces asexually. that's why we must find the nest. if we don't, dozens will be born, each one capable of laying eggs of its own. very quickly we could be looking at an enormous population. it may be too late by then. these eggs will hatch very quickly. the fish. the fish we found down in the subway. he's not gathering all that food for himself. he's preparing to feed his young. no, i didn't. i didn't talk with anyone. yes. but i. no, it's still in my tent. it's. oh my god, she took it. me too. make sure they find that nest before it's too late. newark airport. well what the hell did you think was going to happen? i shouldn't have to, audrey. you're supposed to be my friend. i trusted you. so you thought that made it okay to steal my tapes? good luck in your new career. i think you really have what it takes. do i know you? oh yeah, the insurance guy. sounds like a big company. oh. are you sure? how do you know? why are you telling this to me? why do you need that? oh, my bags. i've checked them in. how did you get all of this stuff into the country? so why all the secrecy? why aren't you guys working with the us military? you said you wanted my trust, then i need yours. sure. your talking about the nuclear testing in the pacific. here. 23rd street subway station. where we first found the fish. with a little luck, this will lead us right to it. are you kidding? i always wanted to join the french foreign legion. what's with the chewing gum? just let me do all the talking. oh, we're with the three two. sergeant o'neal just called down for us to join in. they've turned off the ventilation system. they're calling him to dinner. i guess we go this way. three eggs. i thought there would be more. that can't be. that's got to be over twenty eggs. good idea. how do i do that? i can't get through. i don't know what's wrong. come on, come on. this is not good. i hate these things! hey, it's me! they're loose. they're allover the main lobby. i couldn't get out. it's okay. i know her. what are you doing here? i was wrong. circuits are overloaded. how do you know? your station won't have any easier time contacting the military than i did. yes, they did. we've discovered over two hundred eggs which began hatching only moments ago. if the military are listening, they must immediately destroy this building before they can escape. if those creatures escape and multiply, in a very short time a new species will emerge. one that could replace us as the dominant species of this planet. thanks, audrey. are you okay? you'd be surprised. ohhhhhhhh. shit. sorry, guys, i've promised my story as an exclusive to another reporter. where's raymond? hello? where are you? i understand. wait. au revoir. oh, just some insurance guy.