you gonna steal her or kneel down to her and pray -- ?
whom we remember from the drop-car at our opening .  atley walks with a limp now.  thunk! thunk! thunk!
can you stop that, for chrissake?
where are they -- ?
something wrong, tumbler -- ?
she'll go 0 to 60 in 4.9 seconds --
now you gone and done it, raines and they flee .
well, well, well .
only hurts when i breathe. lookit you. where are barney fife and aunt bea hanging out? and opie .  where's opie at?
is there someplace we can talk?
about your brother. and the deeeep shit he's in --
it's been a long time, memphis --
six years. shit. time flies, don't it? six years ago we were fartin' through armani and pissin' cristal. now look at us .
he took a job. and he fumbled it. now he's jammed-up. jammed-up bad.
a boost. a big boost .
you're shittin', right?
maybe she don't know. although i don't see how that could be. maybe she didn't want to upset you -
the point is: kip's been living the life. only he's a wild child. crazy. makes our old behavior seem like altar boy time. but he fungold this one so bad, folks around l.b. are already speakin' about him in the past tense.
who do you think?
good to see you, memphis --
car-jacker. neglected to clean up after himself .
the business has changed.
nicolo, how's the yellowtail today?
you can't get it any fresher than this, memphis .  from the sea to my skillet .  nothing in between.
we can learn something from our asian friends. they smoke a thousand cigarettes a day; they're completely stressed and overworked; they drink like, well .
and they still have the lowest rate of cancer of anywhere in the world. you know why? all they eat is seafood.
i do a poaching number. six-ounce fillets in a saucepan of brine. in 8 minutes, i could cater a goddamn wedding. plain but flavorful. and it's a good way to show off my hollandaise sauce .
i do .  christ, what happened to us ?
no, but you dress like an asshole .
me, too. every time i walk.
yeah -- ?
any idea how you're gonna go at it?
jesus, man .  what'd you do?
are you crazy? you throw down with the carpenter? you got a grudge against your life?
hello, boys -- !
they did not. a tragedy.
he's napping. he said to take it away.
ding dong the witch is dead, right?
get outta here, memphis --