randall raines . it's been a long time . frowns) 'though i do i recall you as a man with style. you remember your old friend, atley -- ? so. what do we owe the honor -- ? yes . kip . excuse me one moment, randall . you bring this to me in this condition? blood and guts all over it? you make me complicit? on my property? who taught you how to think? and worst of all: weren't there supposed to be two hondas? stupid sonuvabitch. now. where were we? oh, yes. kip. i'm proud of this work. the bird feeder. the wagon wheel planter. the dollhouse. the drop-leaf movable server. my point. yes. simple, really. i require the best. i insist on the best. i only engage the best. your brother. his friends. they came to me. they wanted my paper. he was your brother. you were the best. now. they've brought so much goddamn heat down, i may not be able to fill this order. which would be very bad for me. which in turn, is very bad for them. grow up. you don't kill people like me. people like me die in their sleep at 87 . do you know why? because if you did kill me, and everyone knew it was you - for the next ten years they'd be finding pieces of those you love scattered all over california . were it only that easy. i have obligations. the order needs to be filled. they gave me two weeks. i wasted most of it with your brother and his crew, who not only lost what pitiful few they managed to boost, but also alerted the heat as to our endeavor, making this even more difficult to achieve . i knew you'd say that. i knew you'd say that, too -- your brother has four days. fifty cars. five-zero. for that he gets 200 large . i made this, too. my first one. brass extension handles, not plated. the coverings are silk, not rayon. expensive hardwood. and lined with spray green lorraine crepe . digger, butz: let me introduce you to randall raines. used to head up the dandiest ring in southern cal. left us for parts unknown. randall, this is digger. and that's butz - digger and butz will be in charge of burial. they're good boys . "don't want" the dodgers to lose or the summer to end. but we don't get to choose these things. hello, kip -- were it only that easy -- no you can't. flies on sherbert is what you remind me of. because just being attracted to something, doesn't mean you belong. call me "ray." better yet: call me "asshole." cos that's how you've treated me -- this is how you're spending my time? having a sock hop? look at this. a multi-generational gathering of scumbags . hello, otto. my boys at the dock report no cars have yet to be delivered. and there's only one more night . with all the free time i've had not counting cars as they're loaded onto my ship, i've managed to sand the cedar inside your box, kip. this will protect you from the anaerobic bacteria, that normally thrives in an airless; environment. thus prolonging decay . one more night -- i hope you know what you're doing. god help you if you don't . well, well. you've caused quite a ruckus . right there - but i had to. it was the only way to get to you -- i don't know about that, randall. he did such a good job on this paper. and another one just came in . well, that certainly won't do. look at it. i can't very well make delivery of that thing . fifty cars. fifty cars by 8 am friday. or kip goes in that box. that was the deal . goddamn, it . that was the deal .